Chapter Three

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So many things were running through Aaron's mind the next day, not all of them about the case. The bright and bubbly Penelope Garcia popped up on the computer. "Garcia, what do you got?"

"Well, Sir. I narrowed down the five guys with the profile, you have two left. Charlie Smock and Charles Tawes."

"Thank you Garcia."


"What is it?"

"Charles didn't show up for work today."

"He's the guy."



"I haven't talked to Emily all day."

"Find her." He instructed. "Do whatever you have to do, just find her."

"Yes Sir."

Emily Prentiss felt a weight against her as she fell against the stone wall. The newest victim Cheryl Vinley, fell on Emily.

"Oh." Emily pushed Cheryl off her and sat her up, she was dead.

"Get over here." A man said sternly, Emily stood up and walked over to him. "Here." He handed her an apron and a cookbook. "Make something."

All she had to do was make a meal. She could do that. Emily put on the apron and followed the man to the kitchen letting a tear fall. The UNSUB had taken her when she was heading out to the SUV this morning, he grabbed her and threw her into the van. It took about ten minutes to get wherever it is that they are.

In the short amount of time that Emily has been in captivity, she has learned more and more about the UNSUB. His name is Charles Tawes, he grew up with an abusive father who forced his mother to conform to the 50's idea, that women stay home to cook, clean, and take care of the children. The man has left her bruises and cuts, he broke her down making her feel vulnerable.

"I can't cook." She whispered when he shoved her into the fridge making her drop

"You what?" The man yelled at her.

"I can't cook." She responded. A metal pan hit her on the back of her head knocking her unconscious.


Hotch stayed at Emily bedside ever since they found her in Charlie Tawes house, which was five hours ago.

"Keep in mind that there is a federal agent in there." Aaron said loudly when he stepped out of the SUV, his heart raced just thinking about what this man is doing to Emily at that moment.

"Hotch, Reid and I take the front." JJ said looking at Hotch.

"The rest of you take the back." The older man said. Everyone but a few police officers and Kinley, they were waiting incase Charles tried to fled, went into the house. The three of them busted in the front door and started searching.

"Hotch, we got him." Morgan's voice came through his earpiece.

"Did you find Emily?"

"No, he won't give it up where she is."


Aaron ran into different rooms of the house until he got to the kitchen, she was lying, unconscious on the floor with a pile of blood. He reached down and felt for a pulse, there is a faint one.

"We need a medic!" He yelled into the microphone.

A few minutes later she was getting loaded up in an ambulance, He jumped in with her and never let go of her hand until she was rushed into the OR.
"Aaron?" A small voice caught his attention. He looked at the fragile woman laying on the hospital bed.


"I'm thirsty."

He let go of her hand to get her some water, he slowly brought it to her lips and she drank from it, when she stopped drinking, Aaron set the cup on the side table and grabbed her hand again.

"I was scared when I seen you lying on the ground like that."

"I'm fine." She started, caressing his hand with her free fingers. She smiled at him.

"Hey, you're awake." The surgeon who operated on Emily walked into the room, holding her chart.

"Yeah, I woke up about ten minutes ago." Emily replied.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I just fell down a mountain."

"Humor is intact. That's good."

"Do you have anything for the pain?"

"Yeah, I can get something for you." The doctor came over to Emily and started the exam.

"Thank you." After she administered the pain meds and left the room, the rest of the team walked into the room. "Hey guys." Emily greeted.

"How are you feeling?" Rossi asked, putting the flowers down.

"Like hell." The next few hours were spent laughing, Emily told them about what he's done to the victims.

"You guys head home." Hotch said a few hours later, still holding on to Emily's hand which everyone else in the room noticed.

"What about you two?" JJ asked.

"I'll drive us home when she gets cleared."

"Okay, well the jet is waiting for us." Rossi said putting a hand on Emily's shoulder. They all left to go home and Hotch turned back to face Emily.

"What's wrong Aaron?"

"Nothing." He said taking his hand away.

"You can't fool me, we've known each other for almost seven years now." She grabbed his had back and held it tight.

"You kissed me."

"I did."


"God Aaron. How can you be so dense?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm in love with you." She yelled. Emily realized what she had down and looked down. She felt a hand lift up her head and Aaron's lips connected with hers, she smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too Emily." Hotch said when he pulled away.

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