Chapter Thirteen

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Eighteen-year-old, Rose, put the last box in the bedroom of her new apartment that she shares with her best friend and boyfriend of four years, Hank Morgan.

"Here you go, honey." Emily Hotchner, Rose's mother, said from beside her.

"Thanks, Momma." Rose said kissing her mother's cheek.

"So your mother gets something but I don't?" Rose's father, Aaron Hotchner asked sarcastically from the doorway.

"Hi, Daddy." Rose said, giving her dad a hug.

"I can't believe it. My Baby-Girl has her own place." Aaron said.

"Aaron, stop crying." Emily said grabbing her husband's hand.

"Listen to Mom." Rose said, hugging her parents once more. "I need to go anyway."

"I'll take you." Hank said opening a box.

"Thanks hun." Emily and Aaron walked out of their daughter apartment, they drove home in silence, both of them not wanting to believe that their only child has her own life now. That Rose has her own apartment and is dating her best friend.

Hank went over to Rose and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close. "What are you doing?"

"Just want to spend some time with you before we have to leave."

"Well, we have to leave in a few minutes."


Rose stood over the sink with her mother, staring at a plastic stick.

"What am I going to do Mom?"

"Well, we wait for the result and then go from there." Emily said, sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

"I'm scared." Rose said leaning on her mother.

"I know baby."

"Were you scared when you found out about me?"

"You bet your life I was," Emily started, "I was worried that your father wasn't ready to have another kid, I was scared that I wasn't going to be ready to have a kid."

"Well, I think that you and Dad did a good job with Jack and me." Emily's phone started beeping.

"Time to look." She said, Rose stood and with Emily following suit. Rose flipped the plastic stick over and took a look at it.

A little pink plus sign.

"Oh Baby." Emily said looking at the stick.

"What am I going to do. What is Hank isn't ready for kids?"

"Don't worry about it. Just tell him then go from there."

"Thanks, Momma." Rose said hugging Emily.


Hank walked into his apartment to find a little box and his girlfriend sitting on the couch.


"I have something for you."

"What is it?" He asked, putting his bag down on the chair.

"This." She handed Hank the little box, he opened it and immediately a smile formed on his face.

"You're pregnant?"

"I am."

"We're having a baby!" Hank exclaimed, he picked her up and spun her around. Rose started laughing when she got spun around in the air.


"Hi, Daddy." Rose said when Aaron stepped into her apartment.

"Hi, Baby-Girl."

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant." Rose whispered.


"I'm pregnant." She said a bit louder.

Aaron pulled her into a hug. "You're making me a grandpa."

"And I'm asking her to marry me." Hank said from the hallway.

"What?" Both Aaron and Rose asked turning around.

"Will you marry me Rose Emilia Hotchner?"

"Yes." Rose said running over to him and throwing herself into his arms, he slid the ring onto her finger as the two hugged.


"AHHHHH!" Rose yelled in pain as she pushed the baby out of her.

"You're doing great, Love." Hank said calmly.

"Shut up."

"Whatever you want."

The sound of a baby crying filled the room, the doctor cut the cord and took the baby to be weighed, measured, cleaned off, and swaddled. After all that Rose finally got to hold her baby girl.

"She perfect."

"What do you want to name her?" A nurse asked.



"Do you, Rose, take Hank Spencer Morgan to be your husband?" Fran Morgan asked, since she was officiating her grandson's wedding.

"I do."

"And do you, Hank, take Rose Emilia Hotchner to be your wife?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss each other." Hank pulled Rose in close and crashed their lips together. "I may now pronounce Rose and Hank Morgan." Rose grabbed her two-month-old baby, Emily, from her mother's arms and the three of them went down the aisle. Hank kissed both of his girls at the end of the aisle.

"Now the rest of our lives." He said once he pulled away.

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