Chapter Ten

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"I think we should tell the team today," Emily said as she and Hotch finished breakfast, "formally, I mean."

"Why today?"

"It's been almost a year now, we've moved in together."

"I like things how they are."

"You know JJ asked me about yesterday." The team had a get-together yesterday at Emily and Hotch's house, JJ had asked her why she felt so comfortable and why some of her stuff is there.

"Did she now?" Hotch asked as he put the dishes in the dishwasher and Emily poured some coffee into two travel mugs.

"I didn't know what to say so I blew off the question. We are playing it close here, I think we should tell them."

"Whatever you want to do is fine with me." He said pulling her close and giving her a soft kiss.

"I love you."

"Love you too," he said letting go of her, "let's go."


"Spence!" JJ yelled into the bedroom, Reid stumbled out of the shower wrapping a towel around him as he ran into the connecting bedroom.

"What is it, Jenn?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Spencer gave JJ a look before returning to his shower. He thought about what she is hiding on the way to work until he can talk to Morgan.

Once they got to the academy, Spencer went off to find Morgan.

"Come on Baby-Girl, we have to go." Derek Morgan said to his girlfriend, Penelope Garcia, who was still in the bathroom putting on her makeup.

"Give me a minute."

"We are going to be late." He said going to the kitchen and pouring a thing of coffee, he went back up to the bathroom, Garcia wasn't in there anymore.

"Derek!" He ran out of the bathroom and to the kitchen where he heard the scream come from. "Good. Let's go."

"Woman, you scared me." Morgan said as they got into the car and get it started, they drove to the academy where Spencer and JJ were already there. Once they got in, Penelope went to her bunker and Derek went to his desk in the bullpen. Spencer was sitting at his desk just thinking.

"What you thinking about Pretty-Boy?" Derek asked once he sat down

"Something is going on with JJ."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, she won't tell me."

"Just ask."

"You don't know Jenn like I do."


Spencer sat back in his chair as JJ came back from the bathroom and sat on his desk, the team always did this before Hotch got here.

"Has Em come in yet?"



"You need to talk to her about something?"

"Yeah, it's important."

"What's important?" Emily asked when she set her stuff down on her desk and sitting down.

"We need to talk Em." JJ said hopping off Reid's desk and pulling Emily off of her chair. The older women got dragged to Hotch's office, once he saw the look on the blonde women he put his coat down and closed his door when he left the room to give his girlfriend and her best friend some privacy.

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