Chapter 28

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(Not really kidding when I say you need headphones for the song.)

Pancake Karma


Lets just say that Nathan is a little bitter. He was wordlessly yelling at me as Marina was looking down eating her more appealing breakfast. She didn't want any Pancake Karma. That joke makes me smile.

"What's so funny?" Marina looks into my eyes. I am laying on her shoulder.

"I was just thinking on how you didn't want any Pancake Karma..." I see Marina's face light up in a way I haven't seen yet.

"I have a song titled that...." now her face makes sense.

"Really?" I am honestly surprised. How could that even happen. That only happens in books and stuff.

"Yeah." Marina sits up. She retrieves her laptop from her dresser. She quickly sits back down and types in something. I see her bring up an audio file name just that. 'Pancake Karma'. She is quick to click play.

"It's nothing like how you used the term..." Marina comments before I hear her recorded voice.

"They fell out to the navy sky/With smiles of stone." The first line automatically intrigues me more than I am. The song continues on, while I try to really pay attention to what she's saying.

"Gleefully cackling, bitter and twisted/ burning like golden rings." I hear Marina singing along under her breath. I smile. Who knows how long it has been since she has actually heard this song, yet she still remembers the lyrics.

"...ordered a plate of syrupy lies/ yeah they ate them all up and licked the plate dry" my mind enters the context of the song again. I wasn't gone that long, though. I got lost in how amazing Marina is.

"Tonight a pancake thief dies" I am not good at deciphering lyrics. But I try anyway. I say this song is a metaphor to something. I'll ask Marina after it finishes.

"Pancake Karma is come - is coming for you"  the song finishes the chorus. I let myself get lost in the lyrics and the instrumental behind her wonderful voice.

"So...." Marina closes her laptop. "How was it...?" I look up at her nervous face. It only makes me smile.

"I loved it. You have some serious talent, babe." Marina just blushes.

"You really think so?" I sit up next to Marina and cup her precious face in my hands.

"With every fiber of my being." I don't know why I said that. It might just be my true proclamation of my love. I slowly lean in to kiss her. Our lips graze the others. Her eyes flutter, and soon close.

The kiss is slow. But it's like they were made for each other. The love being proclaimed in the kiss is so obvious.

We pull apart and put our foreheads against each others. I sigh a sigh of love and relief. She smiles her adorable smile in response.

Then my watch beeps.

I look down at the time and then back up at Marina.

"Your appointment is in 45 minutes. Lets grab our stuff and go." She steals another peck.

"I love you. So much." Marina places her head in the crook at my neck.

"I wove oou oo." It sounds like she says from the crook of my neck. I can't help but bring her closer to me.

"Lets get ready." She sits up and looks at me. Damn, she makes me melt.

"Ok, babe." Now my heart is higher than it has ever been in my life. She can probably tell by my face. Then she gets up from the bed and grabs her phone and purse.

That's when I get up as well.

We walk out of our room a few minutes later. Nathan is sitting in the living room watching tv. He glances up at us for a second before completely ignoring us.

"We'll be back soon." I say. He just continues to ignore us. Then I shut the door.

Entering the car, we sit there for a second. I look over at Marina, she is twiddling her thumbs in her lap.

"Hey," I place my hands on hers. "It will be ok. I'm sure it won't be anything big. Okay?" She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. One is able to sneak its way down her cheek. She is quick to wipe it away. She nods to my comment.

I retract my hand after I give Marina my loving smile. She gives the best she can back. Then I start the car and head out of our larger driveway.

Hopefully it isn't anything serious.
Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe how close this book is getting to the end.... there is a surprise after, so don't worry.

I also have been looking through my chapters, and I realized how they are a little shorter than a normal story on here. Do you guys like the length? Or would you prefer longer?

Love You!

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