Chapter 2: Intolerable Agitation

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Alex's heart pounded, curious at who had sat in front of him. The possibility of anyone entering the cafe was uncanny.

"Are you okay? Something you're not telling her?" the girl said. He looked up. Toluwase.

"Eavesdropping much? Don't you work here? Ya know, it isn't very professional to do something like that." picking up his phone, he then carelessly flopped it in front of his face, exasperated. There was no way Alex would let some random lady tell him what he is doing wrong. But that's still not something he'd say, though. He wasn't acting like Alex Orman would.

"So its a yes," she crossed her legs.

"So its a no." he uncomfortably shifted. Toluwase had an irritated look on her face. "Sorry, but what impelled you to sit?"

"My brother,"

"What'd he do?" Alex tried to hold in laughter. Toluwase wasn't taking it, she gave him a more irritated look. Alex's smile died fast. "Sorry."

"My brother, Andrew. He... has problems." she searched for words. "He has scammed lots of people," Alex felt the seriousness in the conversation.

"Continue," Toluwase's expression had incertitude in it. "If-if you're comfortable with it."

The expression faded. "As a-"

"As a what?" he interrupted.

"Well, if you'd let me-" her voice grew higher.

"Sorry," irritation was written all over her face once again. He mouthed it one last time, clearing his throat afterwards and turning away from the delicate situation.

She took a deep breath. "As a mechanic." she was about to speak.


"Would you just let me FINISH?!" Alex put his hands up, claiming he did nothing wrong. She took a deep breath once again, annoyed at him.

"A car mechanic." a single breath going through his nose, she put her hand up, as if she was saying no. Alex was scared to talk. Her face read that she wasn't having it again. His read innocence. It was like a conversation through expressions.

"He rips 'em off a lot, and I work to get him help." her Nigerian accent really was coming through now. Alex's British accent didn't seem so special after listening to Toluwase say a single word. He picked up his mug and stole a sip of the tea that started cooling off a while ago, as he'd been sitting there for a bit now.

"He has made mistakes, so whenever my friends or people I know, or even strangers like you, have problems.... I like to help them." Alex was starting to understand now.

"Ah, I see." his head bobbed as he set the mug down.

"So, there's my story. Whats yours?" Alex hoped she would never acknowledge the root and cause of their conversation.

"If-if you're comfortable with it." she was like a parrot. Her face a smirk, his a scowl. It turned into a smile. "Don't change the subject. I want to help. Now, tell me. Whats wrong?"

"How am I supposed to tell you if I-" he got cut off.

"Toluwase! No slackin', ya gotta work! Jus' because there ain't lots of people, don't mean you getta free break!" a deep voice shouted from the kitchen.

"Excuse Mel. Be thankful, you're off the hook, for now." she got up and went to the counter. Alex watched her as she swiftly glided across the floor, thoughts all on what he'd say to her next. He sipped his tea.


"I'm here, I'm here." Toluwase slapped the towel on the counter, announcing her arrival.

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