Austin Porter

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Based of the song 'For You' by Keith Urban

My husband, Austin, was drafted into the army and sent out to help fight in Afghanistan. It's been 7 months since he left.

We got married about six years ago, almost 7 years now and started a family one year after we became Mr and Mrs Porter. I'm also 8 months pregnant with our second baby. No one knows the gender. I'm hoping Austin will be back before I give birth so we can do a gender reveal all together.

We have one daughter, whom is five years old now. Her name is Samantha Zoey Porter and was born on July 6th, 2018. She has Austin's eyes, smile and hair while she has my ears and face shape.

Samantha is currently at school, while I'm sitting in the living room couch going through many photo albums, looking at pictures from back when Austin and I started dating. My cousin, Nick Mara, introduced us. Nick was in a band called PRETTYMUCH and he introduced me to the guys and Austin and I clicked immediately.

We fell in love, starting going on dates, then we became girlfriend and boyfriend. Only one year after we started dating, Austin popped the question and I said yes. We got married on October 23rd which was only five months after we got engaged. One month after we got married, we soon found out that I was pregnant with our first child. Austin and I were beyond excited to welcome our first child into the world.

During my pregnancy, Austin and the others we're making their first album and touring all over the world. As I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, Austin took a break from the band to help take care of me and our daughter.

Once Samantha turned one, he joined the band again. The boys sold out many venues and sold many copies of their album. The boys made a lot more music and went on many more tours. Back in November of 2022, PRETTYMUCH had broken up. All the boys are very close still. Back in March of this year, Austin was sent away over seas to help fight.

Nick, Edwin, Zion and Brandon have been helping me out a lot. Nick is engaged to a girl named Hailee, Edwin is dating someone named Tiffany, Zion is dating someone named Diana and Brandon is married to someone named Charlotte.

It's almost our 7 year anniversary.

As I was sitting on the couch looking through the pictures, I heard the front door open, which I thought it was probably one of the guys, but I was wrong.

In walked my husband Austin in his uniform, into the living room.

"Hey baby girl." He said with a voice crack.

We started bursting into tears. I got up off the couch and ran into his arms trying my best because of my baby bump. We were a crying hot mess.

"I can't believe you're home!" I cried onto his shoulder.

"I'm so glad I'm home. I cannot believe you're pregnant! Is it mine? When is she or he due? How far along are you?" He said kissing my lips a million times.

"Of course the baby is yours! I'm 8 months in and the doctors said I could go into labor any day now. No one knows the gender except for Charlotte." I told him.

"Wow, I still can't believe you're pregnant!"

We just stood there in each other's embrace.

"Where's pumpkin?" He asked for Samantha.

"She's at school right now."

"We should go suprise her." He smiled.

"Yeah." Then the front door opened and in walked Brandon, Charlotte, Edwin, Tiffany, Zion, Diana, Nick and Hailee.

They all stopped laughing once they saw Austin. They all started bursting into tears and hugged Austin. We all hung out for about an hour and catched up. We wanted to do the gender reveal at her school. So Charlotte spent the whole time baking cupcakes that she filled with either pink,or blue frosting. After she finished, we drove to Samantha's school. We signed in at the office and the Secretary called Samantha's teacher to tell her what was about to happen.

We walked down the hallway to the classroom. I knocked on the door and her teacher, Mrs. Green came over. Everyone entered the room, except for Austin.

Samantha ran up to us and hugged us each.

I kneeled down so I was her height to talk to her.

"We brought you a suprise." I told her.

"What is it?" She asked with a lot of excitement.

"Close you eyes and I'll bring it to you."

She closed her eyes and I motioned for Brandon to bring in Austin. Austin walked into the classroom and stood right in front of Samantha.

"Ready,, open your eyes!" I told her and she did.

"DADDY!!!!" She ran into Austin's arms and they both started crying.

"So, Samantha? Do you wanna know if you're having a brother or sister?" Austin asked her.

"Yeah!!!" She yelled.

"We brought cupcakes for everyone! If the inside is pink it's a girl, if it's blue it's a boy." I explained to the five year olds as Charlotte passed out the cupcakes.

"On the count of three! One, two, three!"

We all watched Samantha bit into her cupcake and in the middle was blue frosting.

"We're having a boy baby girl! We're having a son!" Austin said kissing me.

"Mommmy, I'm getting a brother!" She said with her mouth full.

"Yep!" I laughed and everyone cheered.

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