Zabdiel de Jesús

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CNCO has been away on tour for about two months now and I miss the boys. Especially Zabdiel since we are dating. We've been together for about 2 years now and we go crazy whenever we're not together.

I am on my way to Huston, Texas to suprise Zabdi. Richard is helping me out, so he knows and he's the only one who knows. Richard is the one who actually told me to come visit them since Zabdiel is going crazy without me.

"Richard! Comó estas?" I asked him.

"Estoy muy bien! Y tú?"

"Estoy bien."

"Bueno, anyway shall we get going?" He asked me.

"Yeah, we shall." I put my bag in the trunk and we climbed into the taxi.

The driver drove us to the hotel the boys would be staying at. Richard gave me the extra room key to Zabdiel's room so I could go set my luggage down.

I set my luggage by the bed and left the room.

"Here's your meet and greet pass and backstage pass to the show tonight." Richard said handing the passes.

"Gracias, Richard!" I smiled at him.

"No problemo chica! Zabdi will be so happy to see you!" He said leaving the hotel.

The concert started at 7 and it is currently 5:30. I went back into Zabdiel's room and got ready. As I finished my makeup, I grabbed my phone, hotel room key and the passes.

I left the hotel and got a taxi to drive me to the venue. I paid and went to wait in line.

"Hey, aren't you Zabdiel's girlfriend?" One if the CNCOwners asked me.

"Yes, I am!" I smiled at the girl who looks like she is 14 years old.

"Can we take a picture together?!" She asked me.


We took two pictures and then she went to go post them onto her Instagram, but I stopped her.

"Could you post those after the concert?" I asked her.

"Um, I guess I could, why?"

"I'm actually here to suprise Zabdi! We haven't seen each other in 2 months so..."

"Aw, you guys are seriously goals!"

"As, thanks what's your name, by the way?" I asked her.

"I'm Taylor and I am 15 years old." She introduced herself to me.

"It's nice to meet you, Taylor! Who is your favorite?"

"I really like Erick! He eyes are so captivating and he is so hot!" She gushed over Erick.

Soon they let the VIP people in and I stood at the very back of the line. It went by pretty quickly and it was finally time to suprise Zabdiel and the others. I walked up to them and greeted them.

"Hola chicos!" I said and all their jaws dropped open, except for Richard since he was in on it.

"Rainy!!!!" They all screamed in excitement and shock.

I hugged Erick, then Joel, then Chris, then Richard and finally my guapo novio, Zabdiel.

"Babe, what are you doing here!?" He said hugging me as I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"I came to suprise you, bub!!" I told him.

"Well you definitely did!" Zabdiel told me and then we shared a couple kisses.

They boys and I went back to their dressing rooms where they started to do their warm ups.

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