Finding Out You're Pregnant//Edwin

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I woke up from a good night of sleep and I turn onto my left side to see my amazing boyfriend, Edwin, of 3 years. I just lay there admiring his features. He really is a handsome guy.

"You can stop staring now." Edwin told me in his morning voice with his eyes closed still.

"I wasn't staring." I lied knowing he already knew that.

"I feel your gaze." He chuckled.

"Oh hush, I was just admiring how handsome you are." I stated the truth.

"Glad you admit it, babe."

"Don't get too cocky, Eggwin."

I laughed and then got out of bed and made my way over to the bathroom. I did my business and got ready for the day. I checked my notifications and one caught my eye.

Your menstruation cycle will begin in the next two days!

I haven't had my peirod in over a month! I gotta go buy a test!

"Hey, Ed? I have to go to the store really quick. I have to buy something!"

"Okay, see you soon babe." He said walking into our bathroom to take a shower.

I quickly grabbed my phone, purse and keys and headed to the nearest store, which is CVS. I bought three different tests and then went to the bathroom at was in the store.  I took the tests and all I have to do is wait. Five minutes passed and it's finally time to check the results.




"! I'm pregnant!" I said in complete shock. I gathered my belongs, put the tests into my purse and went home.

Once I was home, I went to the living room where Edwin was with Brandon, Zion, Austin, and Nick.

"Hey, Edwin? Can I talk to you in private for a moment?" I asked drawing all of the guys attention.

"Yeah, sure." He stood up and we went into our bedroom.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I'm just going to say, I'm pregnant!" I blurted out to him.

"What? You're pregnant?!" He asked.

"Yeah, I just took three tests and they all came back as positive." I told him while showing him the tests.

"We're going to be parents?" He asked with one of the biggest smiles as he looked at the tests and then to my stomach.


"Omg!! We're going to be a parents!! I'm going to be a dad!!" He screamed out spinning me around and kissing my face.

I'm pretty sure the boys heard Edwin celebrating.

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