Sergio Calderon Jr.

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I saw doing my college school work when one of my best friends, Sergio called me and I answered his call.

Me: Hey Serg! What's up?

Sergio: S-she broke u-up with me!

Me: Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry Sergio! Did she say why?

Sergio: Yeah, she said she doesn't love me anymore!

Me: Wow, Ser! I'm on my way and we'll watch movies, okay?

Sergio: Okay....

Me: I'll see you in a few, Sergio.

I grabbed my phone and keys and made my way over to the IRL house. I knocked on the door and Brady answered.

"Hey, Liz! Sergio's in his room. He's not letting anyone in, so....." Brady told me.

"Thanks Brady."

I went to Sergio's room and knocked on the door.

"Go away." Sergio said.

"Serg, it's me." I simply said and the door opened and Sergio pulled me into a hug while his tears soak my shirt.

"It's okay Sergio. She doesn't derseve you and she doesn't derseve the tears your shedding." I said rubbing his back.

We laid on his bed and watch funny movies to help put away the thoughts of heartbreak.

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