Daniel Seavey

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"Why are you so obsessed with watermelon, Daniel?" I asked my boyfriend of 8 months.

"They are amazing and they taste good!" He says getting defensive over his watermelon.

We are currently at the store and Daniel decided to put a a watermelon into the cart. Every single time we go to the store, he has to get one. I, myself am not the biggest fan of watermelon because I am actually allergic to it. There's something in watermelon that sparks up an allergic reaction in my body. My parents found this out when I was about two years old.

My mom feed me watermelon and not even 5 minutes later, I threw it up and I couldn't breathe. They rushed me to the hospital where the doctors told my mom and dad that I have an allergic reaction to watermelon, so I can't eat it unless I wanna land myself in the hospital.

"I don't understand your obsession with chocolate." He said back to me.

"Chocolate is good!"

"No it's not." Daniel told me looking me in the eyes with his beautiful blue ones.

"Whatever watermelon boy."

"Whatever babe." He laughed.

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