Finding Out You're Pregnant//Zion

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(Best Friends)

I stood at my bathroom sink staring at the pregnancy test that was laying in my hand as my wet tears fall down onto the plastic stick.

"How am I going to tell my parents? How am I going to tell Zion? How am I going to be able to take care of a baby when I'm only 19 years old? What am I going to do?" I whisper to myself as I stare at the test.

The tears kept on pouring down my face and onto the test as I was lost in my thoughts.

"This wasn't meant to happen!!" I say in my regular volume voice.

I looked into the mirror that stood only one foot away from me. My eyes are all bloodshot and my face has tear stains and my shirt is partly soaked.

I recently missed my period, so I decided to take a pregnancy test to see if I am pregnant. Two weeks ago, my best friend, Zion, had gotten us both fake ID's so we could got to the club. Zion's best friends Austin, Brandon, Edwin and Nick had also gotten fake ID's first which gave Zion the idea to get us both ones.

The others invited me and Zion to join them in an adventure to the club, and stupidly we both agreed. That night we got extremely wasted and next thing you know, I woke up in hid bed.....naked. I put everything together and came to the only conclusion, that we had done the deed.

I immediately put all my clothes on and went home. Two weeks later, here I am crying about the positive pregnancy test that was in my hands.

"I have to tell him..." I told myself as I felt the continues tears rolling off my face.

I put the test on the counter and grabbed my phone to text Zion.

Me: Hey.....could you stop over at some point today? I need to tell you something.....

Zion🎵💜: Yeah, sure! I'll stop by around 5. I'm at the studio right now with the boys recording a new song. Is everything okay?

Me: Maybe, maybe not.....Idk.

Zion🎵💜: Okay.... I'll see you soon!❤

Five o'clock comes rolling around and there's a knock at the door and it opens and closes. My whole body is shaking because I'm so nervous and scared. Not only scared because I'm worried how Zion will take the news, but scared because I now have a baby growing inside me.

In walks Zion and he sat down right next to me.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you okay? What's happened?" Zion shot questions at me.

"Um.........remember that one night from two weeks ago?" I asked him.

"Yeah, from when we went to the club and got extremely wasted?" He said and I nodded yes.

"Um, well that night......we didn't use protection I'm gonna guess."


"And because we didn't.......I'm now pregnant with you kid." I told him.

"What? Y-you're pregnant?" He asked while being completely shocked.

"Yeah." I whisper.

"Are you gonna keep the baby?" He asked.


"Okay, I will help out and support him or her."

"Wait, really? You're not going to leave me?" I asked completely shocked.

"No. I will take care of you and our child that is growing inside of you." He said while hugging me.

"Thanks Zion, it means a lot that you're going to stay." I told him.

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