Finding Out You're Pregnant//Austin

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I woke up at nine a.m. with the feeling of nausea. I rushed into the bathroom and emptied my stomach. I felt one hand rub my back and one hold my hair. I immediately knew it was Austin. This has been happening for the past two weeks and we are both getting worried that something is wrong with me.

"(Y/n), we made a deal that if this happened again, I would take you to the doctors, so lets get you ready." He said helping me up after I was done emptying my stomach.

He took me straight to the car and thankful we both already have clothes on. Austin drove me to the hospital and walked up to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The Secretary asked Austin and I.

"My fiancée has been sick for a couple weeks and we just wanna make sure that she is alright." Austin told her.

"What's her name?" She asked.

"(Your full name)."

"Okay, a doctor should be out soon. Just take a seat over there." She said.

We sat down and waited for someone to get us. About 30 minutes later a doctor called us and took us into a room.

"I'm Doctor Jennifer Whales, how may I help you tonight Ms. (Y/l/n)?"

"I've been puking a lot these past couple of months."

"Ah, have you done anything sexual recently?" She asked.

"Yeah, we have." Austin told the doctor while ribbing the back of his neck.

"Have you had your period at all recently?"

"No, I was supposed about  awhile ago now that you ask."

"There may be a chance that you're pregnant (y/n)." The doctor said.

"P-pregnant?" I stutter.

"Yeah. We have to do a test to see if you are or not." She said.

The doctor took a blood test and came back 40 minutes later.

"Well, congratulations Ms. (Y/l/n) and Mr. Porter, you are 8 weeks pregnant. I'd like to see you back in six weeks." She said, walking out of the room.

"I'm pregnant...." I whisper.

"Oh my god!! I'm going to be a dad and you're gonna be a mom!" Austin said jumping up and down.

We left the room and booked our next appointment.

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