Jack Avery

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"Hey Jack? Can you teach me how to skateboard today?" I asked the noodle head.

"Yeah sure." He said grabbing his skateboard from his closet. We then walked to the nearest skate park. I'm afraid of hurting myself or breaking a bone so I'm super cautious when I try things.

"It's really easy to be honest, it's just the flips and tricks that are the hard part." Jack told me.

It took me about an hour to learn the basics to skateboarding that Jack had taught me, which I think I  did pretty well.

"Do you want to learn a trick or not yet?" He asked.

"Mmmm, not just yet maybe another day. Go ahead and do your thing, I wanna watch some of the tricks you know how to do." I told him and he smiled.

"Okay!" He said starting to do his tricks.

We spent about 4 fours in total at the park before going back to the WDW house.

"Thank you Noodles for teaching me the basics to skateboarding today."

"No problem baby girl." He hugged me.

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