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Change is approaching,

rumbled the stormy grey clouds

and twisting tides, growing fiercer with

every second.

Change is coming,

whispered the cool autumn breeze

blowing through our hair

and turning the leaves.

Change is relevant,

stated the modernist

leaving the traditional ways behind

that have turned into new-fangled ideas.

Change is imminent,

cried the pessimist,

for the joy of life has turned to fear

and the good times have become bad.

Change is happening,

declares Father Time,

as our backpacks turn into briefcases,

and crayons into ink pens.

Change will come,

hopes Mother Earth,

as a world full of turmoil

turns into a world full of

peace and prosperity.

Such a simple thing,

a simple phrase

that anyone can say,

but it is not as easy to accomplish.

So where does it start?

The answer is simple,

as simple as the question asked.

The change is You.

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