Fear Itself

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I never learned bravery
I was never taught courage,
Nor did I have spirit
All I knew how to do was run
So I did

When troubles came at me,
I sprinted away
Speeding as fast as I could
Attempting to outrun it

Sometimes it worked
Others, it didn't
But I soon grew weary

My feet were like millstones
Strapped to my body
Too heavy to lift,
Too heavy to move
So I laid there waiting for it to pounce,
And it did

I didn't know how to fight
Or defend my weak body and conscience
It overtook me quickly
And left me to die in a pile of
Self pity and torment

I lied there as the dark became darker still
My fears had conquered me
My tired body slowed
And my weary eyes closed

A voice woke me from my slumber
Telling me to change
To stop running and truly face it
When I am not about to collapse
The voice was supposed to inspire me,
And it did

I got up and began to walk
Waiting for it to show it's face
Time soon passed
When I thought it wouldn't appear
My fear came about

I faced it as brave as I could
Even when I didn't known how to be
When it spit on me and mocked me,
I stood tall
When it kicked dirt at me and threw stones,
I did not heed to it
When it dangled in front of me and threatened me,
I simply told it that I am braver than I seem

When it saw that it could no longer torment me,
It left, just like that
Others try to get to me now,
But they can't because the thing I learned
That solitary evening
Was that the only thing I have to fear
Is fear itself

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