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Coras POV

Georgia is terrible at explaining things. The fact that we ourselves don't really understand her situation really doesn't help. Jacob is pulling a weird expression by the end of Georgia's explination, like he wouldn't believe her if the evidence wasn't standing before him.

We walked from school to the beach, and the three of us sit on the sand and stare out to sea.

Something about Jacob unsettles me, like a fish with its scales rubbed the wrong way. It's not distrust for him, but discomfort at the condemning glances he keeps shooting my way.

Is it permanent?" he asks eventually, and I lean against Georgia's side, subconsciously seeking her protection.

Georgia wraps an arm around my waist without a thought, and Jacob's expression turns even more perplexed.

"It is so far," Georgia smiles wanly.

"I have a million questions for you," he informs her.

"I'd much prefer if you had a million answer," she responds wistfully, "I have no idea how this happened to me, or even why," she takes a contemplative pause.
"I'm not just a mer. Last month I also shifted into a panther. It'll probably happen again tonight."

He gapes for a second, then his face breaks out into a grin.
"No freaking way," he laughs, "This is actually perfect. My boyfriend is also a shifter, I was gonna visit tonight to watch."

A tight ball of anxiety in my chest crumbles, like a sand castle in a thunderstorm. Gay. At least that puts one of my concerns to rest.

Georgia smirks, "Aww, that's so cute. Who is the special boy? "

Jacob blushes, and mumbles, "His names Craig. He moved in to a house a couple minutes walk from here, but he's home schooled, so you probably don't know him."

Georgia shrugs. Jacob clears his throat, his cheeks still crimson.

"So do you want to come over? I know the change can be stressful, and really hard to control. His mom takes sleeping tablets so she's unconscious for the whole thing, but he says he enjoys the change too much to miss it. They've got a decent sized garden, with super high walls so he doesn't escape and go terrorize the townsfolk."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea," Georgia says hesitantly, "What do you think."
It takes me a moment to realize she's talking to me.

"It's not a horrible idea," I say, remembering her frustrated pacing and sad eyes from the month before.

She smiles at me, and hugs me against her side. It's insane how much her arms make me feel safe and loved. I can feel her diaphragm shakily relax as she exhales.

"Let's do it then." She says, and kisses my cheek. Her lips feel as soft as the first breeze of autumn, and infinitely more gentle in their caress.
I look up at the sky, and note how far the sun has already fallen.
"We should go now then," I suggest, "We don't have long before the sun sets."

Jacob leads the way to his boyfriends house. My legs ache like a mild reminder of how many days it's been since I swam. I wonder if Georgia feels the same longing to throw aside her clothes and disappear into the welcoming ocean together. Probably not, I think, the moon? Should feel sufficiently distracting right now.

Jacob and Georgia chat for most of the walk there. They talk about how he met his boyfriend, and why he decided to move in with his mom. I hardly pay attention. My stomach rattles with nerves, and I grip Georgia's hand like a lifeline. I feel completely out of my depth, and I don't even know why. Georgia senses my discomfort, and rubs consoling circles against my hand with her thumb.

When we reach Craig's house, we get the second surprise of the day. Jacob knocks on the door of a quaint, middle class house, and the boy to open it is none other than the one who walked in on Georgia and I making out on the beach all those months ago.

I can see by his expression that he recognizes us immediately. Cora snorts, and I realize she is trying not to laugh at the absurd situation. Jacob appears completely oblivious as he introduces us all. Soon Georgia is full out laughing, and Craig and I are quick to join in.

"What's so funny," Jacob asks, looking completely perplexed, "Do you three know each other?"

"Not formally," Craig says, grinning widely, "Come on inside, I'll make us something to drink and we can talk."

We follow him into the house, which looks just as unremarkable on the inside as it is on the outside.

"My mom's already asleep, so we don't have to worry about being overheard." He says, leading us into a quaint kitchen.
"Can I get you guys any thing to drink?" he offers politely.

Georgia and I decline, while Jacob asks for water. Georgia tugs on my arm, and gently pulls me out the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" I ask.

She surges forward, and presses her lips against mine. I shiver in a way that vibrates through my entire body. She cradles my head in her powerful hands, and angles it so our mouths slot together with fateful perfection. The way she drags her tongue across mine has me arching towards her for more.

With a jolt, I realize we are in a complete strangers house, who as already seen us making out like this before. I pull back, and stare reverently at her dark silver eyes and pointed teeth.

She chortles at my expression.
"I can never control my self around you," she laments, "You drive me insane."

I grin, and feel irrational pride at her words. She nibbles my neck in a way that's meant to be playful, but honestly just makes me desperate for more.

She steps back from me just as the boys exit the kitchen. I see Craig eyeing Georgia sceptically. Jacob must have told him about her dual mermaid/ shifter capabilities, and it looks like he won't be believing it until he sees it.

Suddenly he flinches and his face pales.
"Oh shit," he chokes out, collapsing to his knees.
"Craig!" Jacob cries, reaching for his boyfriend.
"Get back!" he bites out, looking terrified, "Run."
Georgia takes an unsteady step towards him, her face pained.
"Get out, guys, I've got this under control," she orders.

Jacob looks ready to argue, but I know beter than to ignore her. Not that I really can, when she uses her alpha voice like that. I yank Jacob forcefully out the room, and slam the door shut behind us. I plant myself firmly in front of the door, and resolve not to move.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" he yells at me, "I need to help her, he's a lion shifter, he's going to tear her apart!" Jacob is completely hysterical. He tries to shove me out the way, but my enhanced mer muscles keep me from budging. I know Georgia will have it all sorted out within the next minute; my confidence in her is as unwavering as my stance. I have faith in her strength, I've seen it for myself. If anyone was in trouble, it's Craig

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