XIX. Puzzles

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Ellie had to admit that a part of her did not believe in the Town.

But the very moment she took the journey belowground and found that she could breathe, she started to realize her own naivety. And when he took her to the nearest affluent town, she was certain she had stepped into a different world.

"Are you feeling fine so far?" Byron asked her.

She could not find the correct words to say for her tongue seemed to have been left behind aboveground.

All she could do was stare at everything around her.

"Welcome to Wickhurst," Byron said as the carriage continued down the cobbled road.

Ellie believed she was in one of her childhood fairytales.

-Above and Below


Samuel barged into Wynne's office in the Town Herald carrying flowers.

He stared at the flowers. "Considering they are fresh, they must be expensive." He lifted his eyes from the flowers to look at Samuel. The man was smiling like he typically would. Wynne knew better now, of course. "I am hoping they are not for me?"

"Emma," Samuel said, walking closer. "We had a bit of a squabble and I am hoping you can deliver these for me. And please, do try to be friendly, Wynne."

"Why can you not deliver them yourself to extend your apologies in person?"

"I know her. She would not want to see me today."

That was a lie.

Wynne sighed. "Very well," he said, pointing at his table. "Place them over there. I will take them to the Everard manor in an hour."

Samuel's smile grew wider. "You are the best friend I can rely on."

Wynne smiled. "You have always relied on me, so yes, of course I am the best."

"No doubt, eh?"

Wynne's gaze did not waver as he offered Samuel a smile. "No doubt."

Samuel placed the flowers on top of a stack of papers and started to turn away.

"But you are leaving the Herald soon. Which makes you a lousy friend for leaving me behind," Wynne could not help but add to taunt the man.

Samuel let out a mocking exasperated breath before he asked, "Would you like to join my paper?"

"And be a target for murder?" Wynne asked. "No, thank you."

"Just as I have thought, you coward." The statement was delivered in jest, but Wynne read the truth meaning behind it.

"A coward with a brain, my friend," he said before Samuel disappeared from the door.


Wynne rushed home to read the latest note from the Buford servant.

His lordship is currently busy writing letters to associates.

His paper shall be called The Blower.

He crumpled the letter and threw it in the fire before he reached for his coat.

As he was leaving, his eye caught a glimpse of an old box. For a moment, he reconsidered his thoughts.

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