part 7

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Noahs pov
I climbed into the boot Vic following after. 'Alexa' i said when I saw her steal a kiss from belchs lips. ' what' she laughed getting in the front . I looked over at Vic who was smiling. 'I liked it yesterday' i wrote on notes handing the phone to vic. ' what yesterday' Vic wrote trying not to laugh. 'Oh ha ha ha 'i wrote. Vic burst out laughing which caused me to laugh . ' What are you laughing at ' pat said turning around. I looked at Vic and Vic looked at me . I started laughing again. 'Noah' lexi laughed as I slid down my seat cry laughing. I looked at Henry's confused face and laughed harder. 'I can't stop' i laughed Vic flopped (eww I hate that word) over onto my lap still laughing . Once me and Vic had calmed down a looked at each other again and started laughing again.

'Oh my god what ' Henry said . I shook my head and not my lip to stop me from laughing anymore. 'I liked the kiss' Vic wrote. ' maybe we should try it again sometime' i wrote. 'Maybe we should ' Vic wrote smiling .
'Losers ' i text the loser clubs group chat. 'Ive known something for a while . Well I thought I knew but now I'm positive. ' i text seeing they were all online. 'Your pregnant' Richie text . ' No I'm bisexual' i text. 'Baby we knew' Stan text. 'How' i questioned. 'We aren't as thick as we look' bev text. 'I love you guys so much' i text . 'We love you too' they text . 'Gtg bye totally not with a boy right now' i text showing Vic .

I put my hand on vics thigh and looked out the window. 'Noah' lexi said snapping me out of my thoughts. 'Did you forget Bev added me to the group chat' lexi said . I sunk into my seat. 'Yes' i whispered. 'Congrats bro' she said smiling. My eyes shifted to Vic and lexi gasped. I shook my head knowing she would of shouted it out. ' You like vic' she texted me. 'I think so ' i said out loud  as Vic intertwined our fingers. ' Yes definetly ' i said . 'Ask them out then' lexi said . 'Ask who out' patrick said 'none of your buisness' i said . 'I wanna know ' Henry said looking in the back. Vic quickly took his hand away from mine . It hurt me but I knew Henry would be rude . 'Some guy erm chick' i said. 'Your gay' Patrick asked. ' No bi' i said . 'Cool' pat said turning back around. 'Will you go out with me ' i whispered in Vics ear. He nodded and reintertwined our hands. 'Woah' i shouted. 'I'm taking he said yes then' Lexi texted. 'Yeah he did distract them ' i texted. ' So what movie are we watching' Lexi said . I motioned for vic to bring his head down . When he did he kissed me . I breathed for a second and kissed him again . 'Are you quite done' lexi text. 'Yeah' i text. Vic took my phone and for snapchat up. He turned the phone on its side and leaned his head on my shoulder. He put the dog filter on and made a weird face . 'Send it to me please' he whispered. 'Im going to the bathroom' Vic said once we got there . 'Same ' i said running after him .

Pats pov
We laid the blankets out and got the food out of the boot. I sat down next to Henry and laid back . ' Pat we don't wanna see your stomach' belch said with his arm around Alexa . 'Did you know Noah was bi' Henry said to Alexa. She nodded . 'Is insidious scary' Alexa said . ' Yes very' Henry said . 'Fuck' she whispered. 'I kinda told Noah that we were watching something else.' Alexa said to belch. Henry played with his middle finger . He doesnt really like scary movies . 'Belch why did you pick the scariest movie going' i said. Belch shrugged . 'Cause he's a horror junkie' Henry said looking down. 'That I am' belch laughed. ' So what did a miss' Vic said sitting on a spare blanket.

'Nothing do you know what we are watching' Henry said . Him and Noah shook their heads . 'Insidious' belch said . ' Lexi are you being serious' Noah said . 'I'm sorry' she laughed. 'Were in a fucking field' Noah said standing up . Noah grabbed Lexis arm and pulled her up dragging her behind the minivan. 'Why would you pick that movie belch' Vic said leaning foward to get a packet of crisps. His top rode up showing his underwear band. I leaned against the minivan and pulled henry back. 'Sorry we are back. ' lexi said 'yeah we're back' Noah said sitting next to vic. 'Oh the movies starting ' belch said as Vic dragged one of the food bags over to him . 'Are you all staying at mine' Henry said . 'Yeah' Vic said . 'I am' i said putting my hand up the back of his top. 'Lexi' Noah asked 'i'll be with Reggie so I'm good' Alexa said . 'Kay yeah we are' Noah said texing someone who I presume was his mom. 'Mom said it was fine but we new to be back to take the kids to school' Noah said . I ran my thumb down Henry's back as he leaned into me.
Half way through the movie Henry had turned around and had his head in my lap pretending to be asleep. Noah was almost crying . Vic was crying . Belch looked like he was enjoying him self . Lexi was loving it. I was focusing on Henry. He breathed in and out at a normal pace unless he heared something that remotly scared him . Then his breathing was quick and often accompanied by tears. I stood up and lifted him into the minivan. 'Sleep' i said kissing his forehead. I got in next to Henry and put my head against the window. Henry's mine so is Vic and Noah.  And no one can take them I me . Noone

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