part 9

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Noahs pov
' No no that is not what I meant' i said . Lexi laughed and shook her head.  'Baby ' Vic whispered in my ear. 'Yeah' i whispered back. 'Nothing I just wanted to say that' Vic laughed.

We pulled up to Henry's house and everyone got out . Exept Vic who kissed my lips then got out . I laughed and bit my lip slightly. 'smith' Henry shouted. 'What' me and lexi said ' get out the car ' Henry said to me. 'Im getting out jesus' i laughed. Henry grabbed my wrist 'Don't Jesus me you mother fucker' Henry spat throwing my wrist down. 'Leave it out ' i spat back. 'Or what ' Henry said once everyone was inside 'everyone finds out about you and pat' i hissed before walking upstairs. ' Noah for fuck sake put your glasses on . your blind without them . Plus you look weird' lexi laughed sitting with belch. 'Can you get them for me that in one of my bags' i said handing lexi my bags. 'When was this tak' lexi cut belch of by kissing him . 'Shush' lexi whispered.

Lexi chucked my glasses at me and I put them on . 'That's better' i said as Vic sat next to me. ' Let play truth or dare' pat said sitting on the floor next to Vic . Henry sat next to me . 'Yeah' belch said pulling lexi into the circle. ' Lexi probably will choose truth all the time cause she is a wuss' i laughed. 'Oh I'm the wuss am I ' lexi said . 'Okay henry truth or dare' belch said . 'Dare duh' Henry said 'kiss pat' i said . 'Your playing a risky game baby' Vic whispered in my ear . 'I like to call it playing with fire' i whispered in his ear. Pat and henry faced each other and kissed . My jaw dropped open so did Vics and belchs. 'Shit' lexi laughed . 'Kay pat truth or dare' Henry said . 'Dare ' pat scoffed . 'Seven minutes in heaven with any player of your choice' belch said . Pat looked at henry then Vic then me . 'Noah' he said 'just do it . He will get violent otherwise' Vic whispered looking upset  'im sorry' i whispered as pat grabbed my wrist and took me into the bathroom.

Pats pov
I locked the door the lifted Noah onto the side . 'Why me ' Noah said as I kissed his neck. 'Because your mine' i whispered . Along with Vic and Henry. 'That means your not allowed to kiss or touch anyone else' i whispered trying to undo his flies. ' No that's too far' Noah said putting his hand over his flies . 'Please no ' he said . I rolled my eyes and kissed his lips . '2 minutes left' Henry said from outside the door. I reached around to the back of Noahs head and pulled his hair. Making him gasp allowing my tounge to make contact with his. 'That's it' Vic said opening the door. ' Vic out now' i said . Vic looked at Noah then looked away but I could already see the blush on his face . I looked back at Noah to see he was already back in the circle. 'Truth or dare Noah ' belch said . 'Dare' Noah said . 'I dare you to have a 30 second makeout with Vic ' lexi said . If they do this I swear to God I'm killing them in their sleep. Vic shrugged and straddled noahs lap. Noah out his hand on Vic cheek and pulled him closer. I sat there annoyed while they made out. Henry was laughing . 'Okay you've definetly done that before ' Henry laughed. They both shook their heads and started laughing . 'You can get of him now' belch laughed. ' Maybe I don't want to ' Vic laughed turning around and wrapping Noahs arm around himself. This annoyed me even more. 'Shall we watch a movie' Henry said feeling my anger radiating of me . 'Yeah ' i said laying on Henry's bed. 'What do you want to watch' Vic said . 'Fifty shades of grey' belch laughed. Henry shrugged and threw the movie at belch. 'Why do you have this' Noah laughed  'girls think christian is hot ' Henry shrugged.

'I know who does ' Noah said heavily winking at lexi. 'How do you find him hot' belch laughed pushing lexi softly. But this still made her fall over ' lexi in throwing that skirt in the bin.' Noah said throwing her some of his swear pants. 'Uggh fine' she said walking into the bathroom . 'Henry have you got any scissors ' Noah said getting up  . 'Yeah they are in the top draw' Henry said as my hand adventured up his back . Feeling the scars on his back from his dick head of a dad. Noah reached into the top draw and grabbed the scissors . ' Vic come with me' Noah said as lexi walked out. Lexi handed Noah the skirt and laughed. Vic and Noah went into the bathroom . 'Come here baby' belch said sitting on one of Henry's chairs.  Lexi sat with belch as anna steel asked christian Gray of he was gay . ' Noah it's gonna break ' Vic said suddenly.  ' They are trying to put lexis skirt on.' I laughed. 'No I am not putting my sisters clothes on ' Noah exclaimed . I laid down and pulled henry down to . Henry leaned over to get his phone. 'Stop ' he text me . ' Vic will have it then or even better Noah' i text back. 'Don't touch Noah or Vic or leave' Henry text . 'Why got a soft spot for them . Aww I see Henry's going soft' 'i am not ' Henry text before grabbing my lighter out of my hand . I put my hand back under his shirt which henry flinched at. 'Oi hurry up' belch yelled. The boys came out laughing . ' Lexi Vic kinda ripped your skirt  ' Noah laughed sitting on the floor proper up against the bed. 'It ain't my fault in a thicc boy' Vic laughed sitting next to him. ' No Noah is a thicc boy . He's got an arse to die for' lexi laughed making Noah go red.

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