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They say life is hard
You all dont know a single part
They say i will be there for you
Wow thats something new
So tell me why dont you let me die
Or do you all want to see me cry
I dont need a reply
I already know your supply
Just leave me alone
Let me grow by my own
I didnt ask you for help
I dont wont people in my life
I only want to catch my flight
I proud of my past
I have no time for a recast
Time has changed us all
I can see this on my wall
Its written by pain
But go ahead you can write something again
Now you know what keeps me alive
And your sugestion is just survive
I dont know what to say
I think its my time now to pay
So listen this is the last time Im writing you
Pls leave me alone to enjoy this view
And yes,this whole story is true.

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