Forgive me

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I gave up the life that I had,
Just so you can make me sad
I fought for you
That person you talked with was new
I wish I could have done more
I wish I could have won that war
Fought with myself every damn day
Just to walk with you that way
I miss the old conversations
Talking about strange situations
Talking about the future
Guess I was not enough for you
You said that you couldn't face my pain
But you did the same mistakes again and again
Told me you couldn't help me
Is this the future we want it to be?
I remember all your words
You were one of the special type of girls
Guess I lied to myself
But I was just another game that you used to enjoy yourself
I don't know if you care
But life was never fair
I always was the type of guy who ended up alone
I don't want people to visit my gravestone
I always tried to fight with these feelings
Never found out their meanings
I wish we could start again
Will I reach number ten?
Never imagined it to go so far
But I guess that's just written in the stars
My biggest fear got alive
I lost an important person,just so I could survive
I know you won't read it
But just to know,I still blame myself,I wish I never existed
Im sorry that I let you down

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