Your Words

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The story started 10 months ago
A young boy with his wish to let go
He never knew this would change
That feeling was something strange
They say you're like the people you hang out with
He learned that was just a myth
He was going through a hard time
He had a lot of moutains to climb
With only the wish that he had
Things will get better in the end
He knew that people couldn't help him
Still he played the old film
Now look where we at
I cover my face with pain and a hat
I never believed in Fate
I never believed in Hate
I only believed that Trust can be broken and never replaced
I know you won't probably hear these things
Cuz u go there where the wind you bring
You ran away from your problems
Tell me how you doing this
Cuz I tried to
But I'm sorry,I can't forget my sins
You told me you doing this for me
That's funny cuz I didnt agree
I dont know what happiness means to you
But to me it's a future with a view
I hear your voice telling me I can do that
But when you're  blind, what you looking at
I don't even know why I write
This friendship was for you just for a night
And I wish I could go back in time
Telling myself,give up that ryhme

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