The story never ends

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Guess I was not enough for you
You don't know half of the things I go through
I sleep everyday with the pain
I can't stop know,I will explain
I wish I never told you about me
Cuz u now have the option to hurt me
You told me that this won't happen,we will see
Now look around,here are we
U don't know who this person in front of you is
Still you manage to hurt him,he broke up in tears
He never thought he can live without you
Now he's here,cursing the day that he met you
Maybe I was not the right person
I told you that,remember our conversation
You said you can't stand a day without me
Am I wrong?Please correct me
Dude I don't know why Im still writing
Oh yeah cuz I gave up fighting
It been 3 months now that I'm taking some pills
Just to be there for you,you know how this feels
Now you're a reason I want to die
I look up to the sky
And tell God,I wish I never texted you "hi"
Thanks I learned my lesson
It's not me, it's the depression
Wish I never heard your lies
This is the part where the hero dies

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