I know

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It has been one year now
And I still don't know how
I look back at those short dark days
Where I started this maze
I've been running for a while
I forgot how to really smile
I'm just walking in this empty house
That is full of fears and doubts
That is where I live and where I hide
From everybody on the other side
No one wants to know my truth
No one want to hear my voice
I'm just one of the people's toys
I only speak when I'm allowed
Thats the reason why I'm not good in crowds
My life has lost it's meaning
I can hear these demons screaming
They follow me
I'm so lost and can't even find the key
I've locked myself in this old mansion
I'm a victim of my own creation
Damn,I need a way to escape
Oh,I forgot welcome to your tape
Now you're a part of my story
Or just ignore me
Like they all did,
I'm just a silly kid
Go,leave me alone
And if you need me,you can find me at my zone
Safe by my own

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