Cold World

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Here we go again
Things start to become intense
Maybe I should have died  time ago
Why did I say no
Why was I afraid to do it
Why was I afraid to quit
Where did my feelings go
They were killing me slow
Now I'm all alone
I just need a stone
Something to make it end
I'm going crazy wishing I was dead
My eyes are red
I wish I could hit my head
I don't wanna watch this anymore
Please God,I lost this war
I lost all the people I lived for
I lost myself and more
Every night I'm craving for my soul
Im out of control
Im sick
Why did I take the risk
C'mon you took my hopes
These are no jokes
I don't see a light anymore
And yeah you're right
It can't go anymore this way
I will end it okay
I just need a knife
It's game over with my life.

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