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I trust in people,and that's something I don't like to do
Still I don't have a clear view
I'm not the strong person you imagine me to be
This heart is tired of trying don't u agree
I moved on really fast
But It didn't make a difference,only the days passed
I don't know what to feel
It doesn't seem so real
I'm scared to live a moment
My whole life is broken
It doesn't seem like I live
It looks like my only job is to give
I'm tired of trying to stop these tears
Oops it's too late now they disappeared
I don't have the courage to speak
And even if I would,they would call me a freak and weak
I don't have any words anymore
Wait I'm locking the door
I don't want anyone in here
I gave them a chance and they disappeared
What's wrong with me
It's been now 15 years,searching for a damn key
I don't get it
I just want a place to fit
Maybe I'm wrong for believing that fate is real
You all don't know how I feel
I'm lost
The line is crossed
I don't feel anything
Please God tell me that's just a dream
Wake up from this fantasy
Welcome to the real world you don't wanna see

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