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I've been trying too much lately
I think everyone hates me
I've been trying to hold people in my life
That don't even look me in the eyes
I try to solve my problems all alone
But how can I solve them,when I'm just staying home
In this zone
Looking only at my damn phone
They say it is just a phase
I rather think that my life is a maze
I don't even sleep at night
I don't have time, I'm going to take my flight
All these demons following me
They dont leave me alone till,I am someone they want me to be
All my life I've been trying to make a plan
I didn't realize when it began
I look myself at the mirror
And I think this man is just a killer
Take my pain and burry it somewhere,
I know life is full of pain but believe this is unfair
All day long I ony cry
For the people there are gone
No one ever turned back
To say it's fine,we will fill up that crack
They just use me how they want
Trying to take me apart
It's not easy to restart
And all they ask me is,why I am sad
Ain't nobody asking me is it so bad
I only learned something from my life
No one is forever by your side

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