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Its 5 am now
I want to know how you are,how
Its been 4 weeks now
Why did we allow this
I miss the old conversations
Back when we did care about the other's situation
Or was it just me
The best way to die is to hang yourself on a tree
Maybe I'm not strong enough to live
I want to go to the sea and just dive
Go somewhere I'm alone
Oh yeah,I forgot,I got my home
I hope you're good
Cause my life is big misunderstood
I'm surrounded by people who don't want to help
Its always me making the first step
Dude I'm fucking tired of this life
It's a hell of a ride
It's a curse that only gets worst
Nobody asking me If I'm hurt
I'm a human too
I got all these thoughts don't know where to go
These moments keep hunting me,I wish I could let go
And the only thing I wanted from you
Was to belive me that it is true
I know you all call me sick
Maybe I am
I wish I never was born,damn
I did it again,sorry for my mistake
But I want my world to break
And I know people don't want me to be awake
They just say "Wake" cuz they are so damn fake
I have stopped now counting
I'm tired of always rebounding
I won't do anymore what people think it's best for me
Cuz of them I didn't give up on number three
I know my life is full of pain
But I will stop now cuz I don't want anymore to explain
Just leave me alone to drive
Cause I don't want anymore to be alive

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