Let Me Help You - Part 2

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"Wow," Varian said in wonder, his mouth open slightly and his head subconsciously cocked to the side as he looked at you.

You were adorned in a lengthy dress that flowed around your ankles, its purple hue shifting colours as the sun beat down upon it. You'd brushed your hair, so it was relatively presentable, and it hung in simple design.

You were beautiful.

"Stop gawking, Varian," you teased, walking over to him.

Your boyfriend was dressed in a grey waistcoat and dress trousers, his boots shined of all the mud.

You could see the faint imprint of a sheath underneath the cloth of his trousers, holding a knife inside. You had one as well, hidden in the folds of your dress's secret pocket. You could feel it lightly pressed against your leg.

Varian held out his arm, smiling down at you with a look of pride and awe. You gladly took it, and grinned to yourself when it slipped around your waist. You looked up at the sky, seeing the moon already shining in the blackness, and sighed.

"We're quite late, you know," you reminded Varian, and he shrugged.

"We have plenty of time," he said, "the ball doesn't end until morning."

Ugh. Trust Rapunzel and her unnecessarily long celebrations.




And so, you begun the journey to the castle, walking in pinched shoes and shivering in your thin dress.

What a fun night this would be.


"Names?" A very serious looking man said, his moustache twitching as he talked, his mouth invisible to the naked eye.

"Lucius Storrand and Giselle Pond," Varian said, his arm still around your waist.

The guard scanned the list, and you bit your bottom lip as time went on... and the guard still hadn't found your names. You gripped the your knife through the folds of your dress, your teeth gritted... that was until the guard moved aside.

"Have a lovely evening, folks," he said, and you could scarcely hasten to believe that under the thick caterpillar that lay on his top lip; he was smiling. He tipped his hat at you as you passed through the grand gates, into the courtyard.




You and Varian slipped into the ballroom, which was filled to the brim with bustling couples, dressed to the max, talking in pairs. Varian looked down at you, a slightly worried look on his face.

"That's a lot of people," he pointed out as his grip on you tightened. You rubbed his hand and held it by your side, so that they were both placed on your waist.

"The sooner we get the information we need, the better," you reminded, "then we can leave."

Varian smiled at you, his eyes soft, yet hard.

"Should we split up?" You suggested. Varian bit his lip.

"As much as I want to stay with you, we'd be less recognisable on our own. We've kind of been branded as a duo," he rationed, and you pulled away from him, kissing his cheek as you did.

"Let's reconvene every hour," you said, pointing to the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, currently showing the time as 10 O'clock.

Varian saluted you loosely, before slipping into the crowd, and you only had a second to yourself before the people engulfed you as well.

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