Chapter 11

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So I know I said I'd edit the last few chapters once i upload this one. But It's simply too late into the night and too early in the morning to do that. So I'm postponing it until the next one, this one included.

I want to thank all you readers, my lovelies, for giving your time to my book. Thank you so so much. And I will once again ask you to keep reading and sharing and voting if you like it. I appreciate you and let's get it more votes. Please give me your thoughts and opinions on it all in the comments I'd love to read them.

I might start writing JK for Jungkook and TH for Taehyung in the upcomming chapters - just letting you know.

With that said, please enjoy chapter 11!


It was around 4 in the afternoon, when Jungkook and V arrived at the clinic, where Jungkook was supposed to be all day. But instead of being an intern, he was busy testing the durability of his "mini Jungkook" and its ability to produce offspring.

It's not enough to say that Dr. Han's eyes lit up, once he spotted the two boys walking into his clinic. He did not fail to notice V grabbing Jungkook by the arm and leading him inside. It looked to him as though V was afraid to let the boy loose, worried that the younger might run off and he would lose him.

It was astonishing to Dr. Han and quite frankly, to the boys as well, how much V was attached to Jungkook. Not that Jungkook wasn't attached, but taking into consideration the way V was sticking to him like a piece of gum in his hair, his attachment fell short and yielded to V's in every sense of the word.

"Hello there, old man. As you can see, I'm unfortunately here, as promised." – said V, almost spitting acid along with those words. That's how dissatisfied he was with the situation he was in. In fact, he hated it.

"Always a pleasure seeing you, sunshine." – V could detect the sarcasm in Dr. Han's words; and the tension in the air, you could cut it with a butter-knife. "I thought whole point of this was for you to trust me and give this an honest chance... Otherwise it's not going to mean anything."

"That was before I tasted my baby... Now I have all the more to lose." – complained V.

Jungkook pinched the latter's arm so hard, it looked like he was about to remove a piece of flesh from it.

"OUCH! What was that for?! I simply stated the truth!"

"Did you, now?! What the fuck, man?!" – Jungkook whisper-yelled at V, who wore the face of a man that is aware of his mistake, but owns it proudly.

"Jungkook, that was very unprofessional of you. I expected more." – spoke Dr. Han, disappointment painted clearly across his face.

"I know, Dr. Han, I'm so-"

"NO! Why are you apologizing? Don't you say sorry for liking me!" – yelled V. He was emotionally hurt that for Jungkook, their relationship was something to apologize for; he also understood how it could be seen as unprofessional on Jungkook's part. He never wanted to hurt the latter's career. Nevertheless, he refused to take it.

"Dr. Han," – sighed V – "look... don't blame Jungkook for this. We have a special connection, old man. If it were someone else, you would be right to be upset. But we have something. It's-it's real. Just... please don't pressure him or punish him for this. Although he gave consent, I kind of forced him and pushed him to give in. dr. He resisted 'til the very end."

Dr. Han was amazed by the changes Jungkook's influence brought forth in V. He couldn't understand the "pull" there was between them. What's the reason? But one thing he knew for sure was Jungkook played a crucial role in Taehyung's therapy. He was a piece of the puzzle, a big step forward in revealing the mystery that is Taehyung's mind. And he was going to exploit every opportunity that presented itself, namely – V's attachment to Jungkook.

"Look, old man-" – continued V – "just let it slide for now. I'll do what you want me to do."

"Is that your word? You'll fully cooperate?" – asked Dr. Han.

"Yes, I will. I give you my word."

"Well then, go on. Sit so we can start our session."

"The doctor and the patient sat in their seats and V got comfortable, but he was obviously still very stressed. After all, this was the very first time he was about to have a session with the doctor. It terrified him honestly, but he did everything in his power to mask it. Of course the doctor could see right through it.

Jungkook sat next to the doctor as V eyed him, upset with the fact that he didn't sit down next to him. But right now, Jungkook was a psychologist not a lover. But V needed his lover to get through this.

"Well, let's begin, shall we?"

"Sure" – replied V, still acting unphased by all of it.


"I'm V."

"Go on..."

"What do you want me to say? I introduced myself already..."

"I want you to elaborate. Anything and everything you have to say about who you are and how you came to be." – explained Dr. Han.

"Oh, I see. You want me to say that I'm a manifestation of Taehyung's imagination, that I'm a part of him. Correct?"

"Don't put words in my mouth. Just answer my questions truthfully."

"I'm V, my own person. The better version of the coward. I have nothing more to do with him, nor do I want to. And I have nothing more to add to this statement."

"Okay. Let's get back to this later. You seem to be too sensitive to speak about this subject."

"I'm not sensitive, doctor. Just stating the obvious truth."

"I don't want you in a state of mind, where you feel the need to be defensive. This is a place of trust and hope. So let's move on."

"Yes, let's."

"Tell me about your childhood."

"What exactly do you wish to know about it?"

"Anything and everything you remember. Let's start with your earliest memory, the very first one."

V turns to Jungkook and looks him dead in the eyes; he voices out his dissatisfaction about where Jungkook has places himself, away from him – "Baby boy, why is my side empty? Why is my Jungkook seated with the shrink? Are you my shrink right now or my baby boy? 'Cause I need to know where you stand. Tsk" – V's eyes were dark and his eyebrows furrowed, very angry and upset with his lover.

"It's okay, Jungkook." – Says Dr. Han – "You may go sit next to him. Give him moral support."

"He doesn't need your permission, old man, just my command." – he shifts his dark gaze back to Jungkook and the latter knows he'd do well not to anger the man any further, and he scurried off to his side.

V grabbed Jungkook's hand and interlocked their fingers together. It was clear, he was drifting into a bad space in his mind, into his dark past and he needed his Jungkook by his side.

"Shall we pick up where we left off? – questioned Dr. Han, interrupting their intense moment.

V scoffs and his grip on Jungkook's hand tightens unintentionally – "Sure, why not? Let's all take a stroll down my memory lane, where the first thing I saw as I came to, was Taehyung's uncle hovering over me and the first thing I felt was his dick up my 8 year old ass. Oh, what a 'welcome to the world' it was."

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