Chapter 48

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Unedited. Short but important! ❤

Exciting chapter coming tomorrow!

Enjoy chapter 48!


"Is there a specific reason for all this hostility towards me Mr. Kim?" - asked a confused Jiwoon.

Jungkook brought his index fingers to his temples and rubbed them with so much force that they started to redden. This was not supposed to happen. This unpleasnt encounter was about to birth a chain of distasteful experiences. He just knew it. Had he not fallen for those pleading puppy eyes. Damn those eyes. He should have trusted his inner voice.

"I don't feel as though I owe you any explanation and reasoning for the feelings of resentment I seem to be harboring towards you." - Taehyung's words seemed to be coated with venom and he spat them out at poor, unsuspecting Jiwoon; Jiwoon who was supposed to be out, enjoying his birthday with his friend.

"Taehyung!" - Jungkook was ready to scold him. And he did just that - "I'm here to show my friend a good time on his birthday and I expect you not to ruin it. Do go any further than you already have. Now I don't know why you're behaving so unbecomingly and to tell you the truth I don't care. You will stop this now. Go back home. We'll talk."

"And what makes you think I will do what you say just because you command it? Do you think I'm an obedient child. Who gave you the right to speak to me like that?"

"Then who gave you the fucking right to come between me and my friend and mess up such an important day?!"

"Well he should not have been all over you! He was practically feeling you up!"

"I don't see how that's any of your business. Besides what do you care? I am not yours, hence you cannot claim me! He may do as he pleases! Leave! Leave before we say things we shouldn't."


"Taehyung! God damn it! What's your problem?!"

"I don't know!"

Jungkook froze. His eyes bulged out a bit. Taehyung just yelled. In the mall. Among hundreds of people.

"What the fuck Taehyung? Why would you yell? Put your mask back on right now before you get spotted and get us in trouble."

Taehyung seemed to realize what he had done only then.

Jungkook noticed the slight tremor in his hands and fingers as he put his mask back on, covering most of his face. Will it be enough to salvage the situation? Did anyone see or recognize him in that quick moment after Taehung yelled and grabbed tge attention of those around him? Jungkook wondered and worried.

"Let's all get out of here. There's a restaurant on the top floor. I wanted to have dinner there. Let's just all go there for now and figure the rest out then." -Jiwoon said - "And Jungkook, bud, no worries. I don't blame you, nothing's ruined. So please don't blame yourself ok?"

Jungkook only nodded then shifted his eyes back to Taehyung's. The latter lowered his gaze yet he had a cold air to him. Jungkook couldn't tell anymore if Taehyung realized he screwed up or not. But Taehyung did follow Jiwoon's lead and Jungkook followed suit. The set on their way to the top floor of the mall, unspoken words in their minds and very unaware of a certain tail they had picked up.

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