Chapter 13

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So here's the update lovelies! Thank you for those who are reading, voting and commenting. You make my day. You make me happy.

I hope you'll keep devoting your time to me. Please keep commenting and voting! It inspires me <3 

And with that said, enjoy chapter 13!


It seemed like forever. A forever ago TH fainted and was still unconscious. He was laid down on the sofa, peacefully breathing deep, slow breaths; he was calm, unlike the boy pacing over his body hysterically, biting his nails and looking down at the boy worriedly. JK was driving the doctor insane. A whole career of working with mentally ill people and nothing had phased him; until now. JK was about to make him crack! And he did.

"JK, for God's sake! You're giving me motion sickness! Sit yourself down!" – Dr. Han finally released all the pent up nerves from the boy's freak-out pacing.

"But Dr. Han, it's been over 30 minutes. Something must be wrong. Why is he not waking up?!" – JK continued panicking, still testing his teacher's patience.

"For the last time boy, you need to give it time. He's breathing, his heart rate's fine, stop worrying. He didn't magically slip into a vegetative state! Relax!"

"Okay, fine. It's not like I can wake him up by worrying anyway."

"Oh really now? What have I been trying to tell you for the past 20 minutes?" – Dr. Han is quite the sarcastic man – "Besides, you need to step away. If a shift happens, it would mean that he'll be haphephobic again."

"Right. You're right. I just- I was so worried I forgot for a moment." – JK turned to look at the sleeping beauty one more time, when he noticed the latter's eyelids slowly opening.

"Oh God! Dr. Han he's waking up!"

The doctor sat up upon hearing those words. They were both focused on the boy, waiting to see how he was; hell, waiting to see who he was. TH faced the two psychologists, and when his eyes landed on JK he tilted his head – "Hey, I know you..." – he said with a drowsy voice, narrowing his eyes and focusing on JK.

Dr. Han sighed a sigh of relief.

"Thank God. It's TH."

JK didn't know what to feel. He was so torn. On one hand, he was so happy TH is back, for TH was the one who stole his heart. On the other hand, he had also fallen for V, and having tasted a physical contact with the latter, it was going to be very difficult having the patience to wait for TH to get over his haphephobia. In short, JK was confused.

"Welcome back Mr. Kim. How are you feeling?" – Questioned Dr. Han – "you might experience some drowsiness, it's quite normal, do not worry. Do you have any memory of the past few days?"

TH looked back and forth at JK and the doctor.

"I know you!" – He repeated, while looking and pointing at JK.

"Yes, you met him a few days back when we were having our session, remember?" – The doctor tried to remind him. He knew it would take a while for TH to collect his thoughts and compose himself.

"Hello Mr. Kim." – Smiled JK – "we meet again."

TH stretched a smile so big and wide, it looked like a little box; he was showing most of his teeth. It was the cutest thin JK had ever laid eyes upon. TH giggled, shocking the doctor with his behavior; and then it hit him.

"Call me Taetae, hihi." – giggled TH, who was now Taetae.

"Taetae?" – JK turned to question his teacher, but the latter looked quite stressed.

"Doctor, Tae- Is this Taetae? The third one?" – needless to say JK was stupefied.

Dr. Han nodded his head and looked at JK – "This is the first time I meet him. And according to TH it has been several years since he's been out."

"What are we going to do? Isn't he 8? Can he care for himself? Can he get home?"

"That's what I'm worried about JK. I have absolutely no idea what we're going to do. There is no way he can be left alone. He's a child now." – Dr. Han had his eyebrows furrowed, and his whole face in a knot as he brought his hands to his face and rubbed violently. He sighed and rubbed his temples while trying to figure it out.

"Taetae. Hi sweetie, I'm Dr. Han. Do you have any idea who I am?" – the doctor tried his luck, while he was shoved into this unexplored part of TH's mind.

Taetae nodded his head – "You're TH's doctor."

"Have you paid attention when he and I talk?"

"Sometimes, I listened; not all the time. But I don't understand much, hihi" – giggled the little one, embarrassed about his lack of understanding.

"But you were paying attention the other day, when TH met Mr. JK here right?"

Taetae just shook his head implying that he had not been listening in to that conversation.

"But you just said that you know him sweetie."

"Uhuh, I do." – Taetae smiled at JK with the widest smile, melting JK's heart every time the latter sees that face.

The doctor was confused. He was wondering what the boy was saying. How could he know JK if he never noticed him a few days ago, when TH was meeting him for the very first time? Is the boy lying? Maybe imagining things... Either way, he needed to question the boy more about the matter at hand.

"Sweetie, if you never saw him when TH was here, then how do you know him?"

Taetae just looked at the doctor and did not give him an answer.

"Come on, honey. You can trust me. I just want to help. Tell me?"

Taetae giggled and shook his head – "No, no, hihi. It's a secret." He then turned to JK and squeezed his eyes shut and released them quickly, trying to wink at JK.

JK's jaw slightly dropped as he faced Dr. Han.

"Have you met him before JK?"

"Not that I remember, no." – admits the intern, baffled.

"Yes, he has! He just doesn't remember..." – interrupts Taetae, frowning, visibly getting sad at the fact.

"Okay, let's go home for today and we can continue tomorrow. It's very late already and apparently we have quite the day waiting for us tomorrow." – says the doctor.

"But what about Taetae?"

"I'll just take him home with me. Don't worry." – assures the doctor.

"No. I will go with him. I want to go with him." – says Taetae as he points at JK and runs up to him.

"Oh it will be hard for JK, sweetie. He's young, you see. Why don't you come with me and I'll take good care of you." – The doctor attempts to convince the little one, but fails.

"I go with him or I run away!" 


A/N, again (because couldn't say this in the beginning and spoil it for you):

I am not sure if in the beginning of the story i have said that taetae and the doc have met or not. i'm pretty sure they haven't but i'll be checking it later. if they have, i'll edit this chapter accordingly. I hope you enjoyed!

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