Chapter 33

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Lovelies! Not much to say other then a WARNING of a slight sexual scene below in its unedited glory.

I will post a new oneshot in the oneshots' book. Watch out for that. I will out it up tomorrow!

With that said, ENJOY chapter 33!


How does one answer that? How does one explain to an 8 year old what an erection is?

"Uh... Um... You see... Taetae baby, sometimes when a boy has to uh, has to pee! Yea! Sometimes when a boy has to pee and holds it in for too long, the wee-wee goes hard and grows. Okay?"

When Taetae nods a nod of cognition and enlightenment, Jungkook sighs in relief.

"But I don't have to pee though, Kookie."

A light shade of crimson crept up Jungkook's neck as possible answers battled in his mind. Jungkook chuckled softly thinking how he was more nervous answering Taetae's questions then the questions on his exams.

"Kookie?" – Taetae asked, slightly annoyed by the fact that, as far as he knew, Jungkook was avoiding answering him. Unbeknownst to him the poor boy was laying there with elevated cortisol levels and was trying to figure out how he could possibly respond without destroying this absolute innocence the "8" year old seem to have. It's not every day one comes across a grown adult that calls his penis a wee-wee. The dominant in Jungkook absolutely refused to speak of anything remotely sexual.

"Kookie! Why are you ignoring me?!" – Taetae's eyebrows were now heavily burrowed.

'Cute.' – Jungkook thought.

"I'm not ignoring you baby boy."

"Then answer my question Kookie." – a pout was etched on the little one's face and Jungkook saw it perfectly in that dim night.

"Don't pout baby boy...or I might just eat you up." – said Jungkook, whispering the last part to himself.

"Alright; that can also happen when you're with someone you really like baby."

"Oh, that makes sense now Kookie, because I really, really like you."

"Well, I really, really like you too, sweet boy. Now, let's sleep, yea?" – said Jungkook and quickly shut his eyes in hopes that Taetae would not ask any more questions. He planned to slip into a peaceful, sleepy mood, when it got stressful again as Taetae reached and grabbed his penis.

Jungkook shot open his eyes and abruptly turned to look at the young boy. He quickly pushed off said boy's hand.

"Taetae! What the hell are you doing?!" – exclaimed Jungkook.

"You don't like me Kookie?" – that familiar pout was back on the boy's face.

"What? Wh- Why do you think that Taetae?"

"Your wee-wee's not hard like mine..."

"Jeez Taetae! You can't grab peoples' wee-wees like that. And I said sometimes baby. Sometimes, it hardens sometimes it doesn't, alright?"

"Okay" – whispered Taetae, both sounding and looking defeated.

"Well then, sleep baby. I'm very tired and I'm sure you are too. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Kookie."


Jungkook was in a deep, sweet slumber. He needed it after the exhausting day had taken its toll on him. But he was being rudely taken out of it against his own will. 'What is this? What's going on? What's happening?' Questions were slowly forming as he wondered why he was being awakened. And as he started coming to, Jungkook felt it. He felt something moving on his side. Something was sliding up and down the side of his hip.

Help Me Touch You || Vkook ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن