Chapter 46

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Deleted the whole thing twice and rewrote it twice. I wasn't liking how and where the story was flowing. I have two chapters ready. The second i need to work on a little more. I'll probably release that tonight or tomorrow. It's unedited. I feel the next chapter will excite you, seeing as it has excited me... I'm happy now with where the story is going.

Without further ado,,,,,,,, Enjoy chapter 46!!!


"Where are you going?" – asked Taehyung, unmasked curiosity etched on his delicately frowning face; it was one of those faces, the kind a puppy would make, the kind that Jungkook failed to notice as he was pacing to pick up his belongings and leave. Jungkook was in a hurry.

"Um... I'm just going to meet a friend." – He answered nonchalantly, still distracted by whatever he was doing. Not that it mattered to Taehyung. What did matter was that the time promised to him was being given to someone else; to some "friend". It was a slap to Taehyung's face, the indifferent air that Jungkook had.

"What friend? What about the session?"

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I'm sorry but I have to go. I really will make up for it."

"But- but- Can I come with?" – Taehyung himself wasn't sure why he was being this clingy. He wasn't particularly attached to Jungkook. He probably found the whole situation unfair... Yea, that's it.

"You want to come with me? To meet my friend?" – Jungkook asked stupefied, looking at Taehyung, one brow lifted.

"Um. I just want to hang out some more until you meet him."

"I thought you barely left your house? Also, I'm meeting him at the mall. There will be a lot of people there. You might get recognized. You don't want that. And you and I don't want that for me either. This whole thing is a secret. Remember?"

"I'll lay low. I'll wear a mask. I won't be noticed. I promise. Please?"

"What's wrong Taehyung? Why are you stressing on this? Tell me the truth. This is very uncharacteristic of you. A while ago you couldn't get rid of me fast enough, now you're begging me to come with." – Jungkook spoke his mind, arms crossed.

"Look, I don't know! I'm just feeling good for the first time in a long time while someone is keeping me company besides myself. I don't want it to stop so soon. This time is meant to be mine. So I want to at least extend it as much as I can." – admitted Taehyung. His head hung low as he thought over to himself how pathetic he just sounded. It's like he was desperate for Jungkook's company and he hadn't found himself in such a situation ever. And frankly, he was not enjoying begging someone for their attention. It almost felt like he had hit a new kind of low.

"Taehyung, I get it pal. I do. I was enjoying my time with you as well. If it's not obvious enough to hit you in the face then I'm telling you now. This thing we have going on is as much personal as it is professional for me. And when it comes to patients, I am painfully biased in giving it my utmost effort in your case. This is more than a case to me."

Taehyung raised his eyes to Jungkook's eyes; eyes that almost looked like they were pleading for understanding. Funny. What was Jungkook getting out of this? Technically, nothing. Yet he felt the need to explain and justify himself.

Jungkook continued – "I have to meet my friend. It slipped my mind that I had promised to meet him. It's his birthday. I can't stand him up. Ok? If you really want to accompany me until I see him... then come along. But I don't know what that's going to give you. I don't see the point in going all the way to the mall only to get to spend 20 more minutes with me; wearing a mask, worried to get caught or touched at that!"

"It's fine. Let me worry about that. Just give me this. It's not always I get to feel like this, or feel at all." – Taehyung expresses truthfully.

"Alright, suit yourself. But I'm not going to be held responsible if anything goes south. Ok? And if I feel I am in any danger of being exposed, I will protect myself. I am just going to say it now."

"That's fine by me. I won't blame you."


The bus ride was awkward. After that little bout of begging, it would be easy to assume things would be awkward; not to mention humiliating on Taehyung's part and cringe-worthy on Jungkook's.

Having enough of it, Jungkook breaks the spell of silence.

"So what will you do after I meet up with my friend? Are you going to go home or hang around for some time?"

"I'm not sure. I guess maybe walk around a bit and then go back home."

"I see. Well, you wanted to come with me so much to hang out some more yet you're awfully quiet. Maybe let's talk to make use of the time we have until we reach?"

It was Taehyung's turn to cringe, his clinginess flashing through his mind once more.

"I'm sorry about all that. I don't know what came over me. I'm usually very quiet and distant and I tend to keep to myself. Today was different; good different. I guess I wasn't ready for it to be over so soon."

"It's totally fine. It's good that you made an effort; a small progress. You cared where before you wouldn't and you acted on it. If anything, I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to go for what you wanted."

Taehyung smiles. He knows it's true. Lately, and especially today, he's been more open, expressive and somewhat aware of what it is he wants. The little time he's spent with Jungkook, he's already made small progress; small in actuality but milestones in his own personal reality.

Taehyung was lost in his train of thoughts when he heard Jungkook speak.

"Let's get off. We're here already."

Taehyung nodded. They stepped of the vehicle and strided along the pavement leading to the entrance of the mall. Although they were quiet yet again, this time it was a peaceful silence, one that they seemed to enjoy. It was as though words were exchanged and thoughts were understood. 

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