Part 7

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Sonic pov

Once we got on the solid ground of earth i burst through the doors of the space ship and ran out to the outside. Once i got out of that ship i was met with a gushing wind going through my blue quills. i ran by tall trees that reached out to the blue sky were there was the yellow burning sun that shined apon this beautiful land. I breathed in the cool refreshing air that was much better than any air i breathed in ever.

As i continued running i then spotted a big city were there was big, tall towers that held them selves above everything. I then ran to the city but when i got there i noticed that there was no one there. As i continued walking through the empty city i saw there was a paper flowing through the wind. I was about to grave it until i hear a loud scream behind me.

"S-S-SO-SONIC I-IS T-THAT RE-REALLY Y-YOU" i very loud voice yelled out in happiness that sadness.

shadow pov

The whole base was in panic everyone was running around completely terraffide by the sudden threat that was send. Once i got out of my complete shock i ran over to rouges office to see that she was still sitting in her chair completely shocked and still looking to the now black computer.

"Rouge" i said, trying to get her out of her thoughts to the real world

"..hhuu?...oh Shadow, sorry i was in my thoughts....What are we going to do?" She said as she looked up from her computer to look to me. When i saw her face i could tell she was scared and sad.

"Rouge you now that we will fight who ever this person is and we will put a end to them no matter what so there is nothing to worry about" i ashore her

"ya your right thank x Shads" she said as she cheered up but when she said shads that only got me to think about sonic


"Hay shads" yelled out a loud and happy voice from above me, as i had my eyes shot closed.

"What do you want faker" i grumbled in annoyance 

"i just want to hang out" he said i can even feel the warm smile that he has on his peach muzzle 

"well leave because i don't want to hang out with you or anyone in that matter" i said as i opened my eyes to only see that he was looking down at me as he bend down to be face to face with me.

"oh come on shads it will be fun" he begged with puppy eyes, i have to admit he looks adorable and i can't say no to that.

"*sigh* fine" i said as i then got up once he moved and gave me his hand to stand.

"yay this is going to be you want regret it" he said as we then began walking

"Why do you want to hang out?" i asked him

" i-i l-lov" but he was interrupted by a loud explosion that was occurring in station square.

-flashback ended_

"HHHEEELLLOOOO EARTH TO SHADOW" yelled out a very frustrated bat

"oh sorry rouge i was deep in thought" i said as i rubbed my neck in embarrassment 

"ya okay, let's go" she said as she then walked away 

"okay" i said 

-somewhere else-

"why can't we attack now?" asked a young figure who looked up to the taller one

"bEcAUse If wE AtTacK NoW ARe PlAn WiLL OnLY fAil" the older one said as he looked down to the world.

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me: i know i haven't been updating enough and i am very sorry for that

sonic: was that all

me: yes


me: yes, its because i have alot more stories to update

sonic: ya right

me: its true and bye guys and see you later

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