Author's Note

712 31 0

Hey, good evening, afternoon, morning, night, noon, midnight...Whatever time of day it is for you! I am pleased to welcome you to "Unsent Letters"

Many of you may know me from my works, "Spilling Poetry" and "Saving Us." If you came here from either of those, or you were just browsing around and you just so happened to find me, I'm very flattered that you would even click on this!

Anyways, I shall let you go because I suck at author's notes  :)

SIDEBAR: You're just going to have to figure out if this is realistic fiction or not ;)

Also, feedback is much appreciated!

>>>>Please, please, PLEASE do NOT steal my work! Or else, I would be a very very sad human :(

Unsent Letters (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt