Dear cookie girl,

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I remember that day like it was yesterday.
That's what people always say, when they've cherished a memory or couldn't forget it even if they tried.
I was working late, it was 11:11 pm.
I heard the chime of the bakery door, so I looked up with a tired smile.
It was as if my mouth had a brain of its own.
It broadened, suddenly I wasn't wishing for a nights of sleep.
I wanted to be encased in this beauty standing before me.
"Hello" she said reaching up to remove strands of locks absent her face.
I blinked in surprise at the melody
of her voice "What can I get you?"
She grinned and didn't think twice about it "3 sugar cookies, please"
I swiftly prepared them for her with a playful wink.
I was entranced I didn't want her to leave, quick think!
As I handed them to her, her beautiful orbs locked upon mine and I couldn't breathe.
"Can I walk you? We closed a minute ago."
That's how my night went, how'd yours go?

With love,


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