Dear Challenger,

103 11 3

I looked up
To find you staring at me.
They say brown eyes ain't nothin'
But baby when I looked into yours I felt something.
I tried to act nonchalant,
Although it was hard, 'cause inside I was anything but calm.
You averted your gaze,
Before I even had a chance to form a coherent thought.
Rendering me speechless, I caught a glint in your eye, was it mischief?
Maybe you're looking for your next prey,
Playing a game, luring me in
You beautiful joker-you
Haha, I laugh and sat back pitying you.
Jokes on you though,
It's my turn to make the next move.

With love,


I've got one word for you..."Chess." You figure out what that means 😌
Thanks for the support though, it means alot. Te amo.

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