Dear Dana,

373 40 3

I still think about you.
Actually weeks ago, I had this flashback
Where you and I, we were in 8th grade you see,
I remember wanting to love you unconditionally.

I still think about you.
You were too blind to notice
Why not tell you, you ask?
I did. Countless of times, I tried, but everytime you'd cut me off,
Telling me you wanted him
So I lied
I played along, until I broke down and ran.
Quite literally, I panicked and ran out of the classroom, in the middle of a lesson.
Do you remember?

I still think about you
You're still impeccably beautiful,
That never changed.
He had a chance with the most stunning woman I've ever layed eyes on,
but he didn't take it.
I'm laughing now,
'Cause you did too
So I hope you regret it.

With love,


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