24. Natural Born Killers - ashleysays

1.2K 23 20

By Ashleysays

Platform Fafiction.net

Status- Complete

Chapters 10

Words 130k

So guys I'm a recommender again! I've been reading a ton of good stories on other platforms that I wanted to share including this one.

So basically, Sakura is going to escort a freshly cured (from an asylum) Sasuke, who will be presented. Sasuke being the genius, makes his psychologist think he's cured. Well, he's not so he takes Sakura to the sound, killing multiple people on the way.

One thing I loved was the character development. You can't totally decipher what he's gonna do next, and it intrigues you. 

There's a ton of sexual tension between the two also. 

Karin is implemented into the story prefectly, and Brahm was a really good OC, in which you come to wish he was an actual character. 

The story gives you super long chapters, which I read 24/7 (not a very good to do😂) but it was so descriptive and intricate, and filled, creating a new world. 

This story is super underrated, and amazingly written.

Go give it a read!

Here's the QR code, I'm not totally sure how it works but go ahead and try.

Here's the QR code, I'm not totally sure how it works but go ahead and try

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By CherryblossomJelly


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