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Aimen was laying in her bed, all paranoid and all scared. The girl had trouble sleeping, mainly because of all of the fear of Fall Out Boy or Brendon Urie coming in and dragging her along another crazy adventure. If she told someone about it, they would either think of her as a crazy lunatic or someone who was absolute trash for her bands. However, the girl expected too much from her artists. What did she expect anymore? Suddenly, the girl heard a voice. But it wasn't just any voice.....it was the voice of Tyler Joseph. "You've been asleep, Aimen. Time to wake up."

"No," Aimen groaned, "Not now. Not ever. I'm tired of all of this bullshit."

Aimen tossed and turned more as the thoughts rushed back to her head. The screams. The terror. The fact that she turned into a hell demoness made Aimen feel even more terrified. What could happen next if someone else decided to barge in?

As she was sleeping, Aimen could hear something. It wasn't a broken glass or a door creaking. It was the sound of an intense guitar rift. Aimen jumped up from her bed and she wondered of what it could possibly be. At first, she thought it was her brother blasting music, but she knew that he didn't like rock music anyway. Aimen got up from the bed and she started to walk downstairs and see of what the commotion was. She walked through the dark halls of her house and to the kitchen. Nothing strange occurred in her house, but she did notice a couple of things. Aimen found a camouflage jacket with yellow tape on it. The word "Banditø" was on the back of the jacket and there was a yellow mask that came with it. There was also a yellow shirt and black skinny jeans, along with some black combat boots. The girl jumped at the sight of the clothes on front of her.

"Oh, God, not them too," Aimen sighed.

She looked and looked anywhere to see any sign of anyone that could be in her house. She saw no one nor heard anyone except that one guitar rift in the background.

"Now where is that guitar rift coming from?" Aimen wondered.

Aimen looked outside of the window and she saw something. She saw a giant, yellow record player sitting in the middle of her backyard. The girl grabbed the clothes, rushed to the laundry room, changed into them, and she finally walked outside to her backyard to see what was going on. She walked closer and closer to the record player, and the sound of the guitar rift became louder and louder. Aimen finally reached the yellow record player, and she looked at it really dumbfounded. The record player wasn't playing anything. There was no record spinning round and round. Nothing.

"Where is that sound coming from then?" Aimen asked.

She looked around for anything else that may seem strange or peculiar. Nothing else looked weird. Everything else looked quite normal. The abnormal thing Aimen noticed, however, was that she saw a vinyl drop down on the ground. Aimen walked towards the vinyl and she picked it up. It was covered in yellow wrapping paper and it didn't have any words on it besides "For Aimen" written in black ink.

"Meow," said a cat from afar.

Aimen quickly turned around and she noticed her cat Chestnut approaching her.

"Chestnut, you know you can't come out here without Mom knowing," Aimen sighed.


"I don't know," Aimen replied, "I guess someone decided to give me a vinyl as a late birthday present."

Aimen ripped the yellow wrapping paper away and she saw it. Once when her eyes laid on the record, Aimen jumped and she found herself almost shaking. It was it. It was the vinyl for Twenty Øne Piløts' new album "Trench".

"It can't be it," Aimen said in disbelief, "No one would actually hand me this....unless..."

The girl glanced at the yellow record player, walked towards it, and she decided to put the record on the record player. Aimen slowly pulled out the yellow disc out of the cover and she carefully placed it on top of the player. She moved the needle on top of the record, and she finally pressed the play button. And that's when she heard it.

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