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A/N: You can listen to the song above if you want to get into the mood of the chapter! Just a suggestion though, you don't have to do it. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Aimen sat in a cage with Chestnut by her side. She just sat there, groaning at the immense boredom that hit her. The girl constantly played with a small grey ball by throwing it at the grey brick wall and having it bounce back to her. She didn't do anything else besides sit down and play with the ball that made the constant "thuds" and nothing else. The rhythm was consistent and it was never changing. The noise was too monotone that Aimen didn't even like it. She tried her best to make a new rhythm with the ball, but it constantly made the same sound and it never changed at all. The girl gotten even more frustrated at the unchanging rhythm that she quickly threw the ball through the bars of her cell angrily, causing the ball to make a crashing noise.

"WHO THREW THAT?!" asked one of the Bishops.

Nico turned around and he walked towards Aimen's cell. He looked at her in the eyes, all calmly, while Aimen looked back at him with fury and rage. The Bishop approached the girl and Chestnut quickly went behind Aimen and hid out of fear. The girl, however, didn't care about being called out by the Bishops at all. She didn't even care about getting in trouble. She just wanted to get home. That is what mattered to her the most.

"Frustrated much?" Nico asked.

"You are not going to keep me here!" Aimen replied, "I will escape and I will get back to my home!"

"My child, this is your home!" Nico declared, "Dema is the place where you belong. Structure. Order. Discipline. Organization. We have it all! Here in Dema, you will belong right here with us. You will feel right at home."

"The place where I feel right at home is my bedroom with my playlist and my cat," the girl replied furiously, "Not a place where nine cloaked men are watching my every move."

"Meow!" Chestnut nodded in agreement.

Nico gave Aimen an expression. It wasn't the expression of anger, nor was it the expression of confusion. It was more of the expression of being intrigued. Aimen didn't understand of why the Bishop was giving her that look, but she also didn't care about what he thought of her. She didn't care of what anyone else thought about her.

"Come with me, my child," Nico said.

"I am not your child," Aimen protested.

The Bishop quickly opened the cell door and Aimen's eyes widened. She didn't expect Nico to open the door. The girl finally saw this as an escape opportunity. She quickly got up and she ran outside the door, but Nico was fast enough to grab the girl by her hoodie.

"Not so fast," Nico stated.

"Meow!" Chestnut protested.

The cat threw out his claws and he tried to claw Nico and force him to let go of Aimen. However, the Bishop was able to stop Chestnut by gently putting him back into the cell and closed the door on the cat.

"Chestnut!" Aimen yelled, "You are to free my cat!"

"He'll be alright," the Bishop assured, "No harm will be done to him."

"Pfft, yeah right,"

Nico put down Aimen and he told her to follow him. The girl didn't want to follow him, she wanted to escape with her little cat and head back to her own home. She quickly looked back at her cat. Chestnut's eyes widened and sadness filled them with tears and worry. Aimen kneeled towards her cat and petted him gently. The cat purred from the affection, and it was pretty clear to Aimen that the cat didn't want her to go with Nico.

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