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A/N: yes, I am aware that the video above isn't TØP or Trench related, but it's Christmas, so enjoy this lovely jam.

All of the Banditøs were about to march towards the exit of Dema to head back to Trench. However, Nico decided to command the Bishops to block the entrance. Once when the entrance was blocked, all of the Banditøs had no way of leaving the city.

"You're not leaving, Tyler," Nico said firmly.

"Just give it a break, Nico," Rose replied, "He's not coming back."

"Oh I know he's not coming back," the Bishop acknowledged. He stepped towards the crowd, but he mainly stepped towards Aimen who was guarded by Josh and Tyler. "I just don't want him leaving with my apprentice."

"I'm not your apprentice," Aimen protested. The girl stepped away from the Bishop, and she mainly stepped back into the crowd of Banditøs. "Nor will I ever will be."

"Huh? That's kind of funny considering of how much you appreciated me being your friend,"

"You brainwashed me! You were never my friend! You're just like those fakers at home!"

"Come on, Aimen, it will be so much easier if you just come back and join the Bishops,"

Aimen didn't say anything, but she gave Nico a cold look. The girl felt bitter and angry at Nico. Not only had he betrayed her, but he reminded her of her fake friends back at home. They were nice to her at first, but they eventually put her back in the dust. Nico stepped closer and closer to Aimen, and he grabbed her by the arm. Once when the Bishop grabbed Aimen's arm, Chestnut jumped and attacked Nico on the face.

Chestnut started scratching and biting Nico's hood, and he even left a lot of scratches on his face. The Bishop tried to remove the cat from his face, but it was nearly impossible to do so. Aimen bursted out laughing, and she was in awe seeing her kitten defending her. Chestnut eventually scratched Nico's eye out, which caused him to lose one half of his sight. The Bishop groaned and quickly covered his broken eye, while Chestnut ran back to his owner. The other Bishops ran back to Nico, leaving the gateway to Trench open.

"Good job, Chestnut," Aimen said as her cat jumped in her arms.

"Come on, let's go!" Josh commanded.

"What are you doing standing there?!" Nico asked the other Bishops, "Get them!"

All of the Bishops turned around, and they saw the Bandtiøs running through the large tunnel. The Bishops started to leave Nico behind and catch up to the group of rebels escaping the city. Aimen ran and ran as fast as she could and as far as she could from the Bishops.

"Come on, Aimen!" Tyler encouraged, "You can do it!"

One by one, all of the Banditøs made out of tunnel, and Aimen was almost there. Only one Bishop was close to her. I'm almost there. I'm almost there.

The girl ran and ran, until she finally reached the tunnel, but Nico was close enough to catch her again. Once when she reached the edge of the tunnel, Aimen took a giant leap, and Nico finally grabbed her by her hoodie. However, this time, Nico didn't take her away. Aimen took of the red cloak, revealing her Banditø uniform underneath. The girl left the tunnel, and reunited with the other Banditøs. Nico looked at the girl with anger in his face, while Aimen smirked at him, mentally telling him that she finally left Dema and that there wasn't anything he could do about it. Chestnut even hissed at the Bishop, and he snuggled up against Aimen's arms. Nico didn't say anything, but he retreated back into the empty city of Dema.

"Ha! In your face!" Rose yelled out.

All of the Banditøs cheered and clapped, and Tyler was relieved that he finally got Aimen out of Dema. Aimen turned to Tyler, and she smiled at him. Tyler smiled back, and he could tell that the girl was relieved too.

"Come on, guys," Josh said, "Let's go home."

The Banditøs started moving, and they all headed back to the Banditø camp. Aimen felt quite happy and relieved that she finally left Dema. Even though she thought that things would've been better if she stayed there, the girl has changed her mind. She thought that things would be much worse if she stayed there, and didn't come back home. Aimen smiled to herself at the thought of her coming back home. After all, it was something that she truly desired.

A/N: Hey guys! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!! *kids cheering* Ahh it's that time of year again where we feel all happy and give back to the people you love. And what better way to give back than to give you guys an update to The Trench Fic! BUT, AIMEN, IS DIS THE END OF LE BOOK?!?! No, it isn't. I have one or two chapters left of this book, and then it will be the end of this book *tear*. Aimen, how could you do this to us?! First Youngblood Lovers, now this?! I know, I'm sorry, but enjoy this fic all you can before it ends.

Well, let's move onto le questions, shall we?! Are you happy that Aimen finally left Dema?! I sure am! Comment it down below! Thoughts on Chestnut?! Like seriously, isn't he the best cat ever?! Comment it down below! What was your Christmas gift or what did you even do for Christmas? Comment that down below!

If you liked it, give this chapter a vote and comment down your thoughts! Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys later. Bye, and Happy Holidays!🎅🏻🎄🌟

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