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The Banditøs were still walking, carrying their weapons and torches. Tyler started to lead everyone across the empty fields of Trench, and he constantly looked to see if Dema was any closer. Dema wasn't that close at all, and Tyler couldn't help but feel extra worried. Something bad could've happened to Aimen, Tyler could practically feel it. Luckily, he had a sliver of hope that Aimen was doing just fine. In fact, Josh was pretty hopeful that the young girl was okay. Everyone continued to walk and walk, until their legs burned. The Banditøs started to feel extremely tired as they marched their way towards Dema, but Tyler kept on urging everyone to not give up and keep moving forward. Josh felt a little bit worried about Tyler. Sure, he wanted to save Aimen and Chestnut as much as Tyler did, but he was mainly concerned with of how reckless Tyler was getting. It was a matter of time, until most of the Banditøs couldn't keep on moving forward. Everyone was tired, their torches were dimming, and the night sky was covering all of Trench.

"Tyler, I'm getting tired," Rose complained.

"We have to keep on going, Rose," Tyler said.

"Umm, Ty, I don't think that's a good idea," Josh admitted.

"We have to, Josh, we have no choice,"

"But, Tyler..." Jenna intervened.

"We have to, Jenna!" Tyler yelled.

Silence overwhelmed the huge crowd of Banditøs. Everyone stared at Tyler as he angrily looked over the large crowd. Tyler looked down, and he realized of what he just did. The Banditø took a deep breath, and he rubbed his hands.

"I'm sorry, everyone," Tyler said, "Let's all take a break."

Few minutes later, Josh started a fire and most of the Banditøs were able to get the rest that they needed. Tyler sat on the top of the hill, farthest away from the large crowd. He looked around, and he noticed two black vultures flying above him and eating the one dead animal on the ground. Tyler even looked at the blinking, glimmering stars. The man quickly looked down, and threw the small rock beside him. The rock crashed across the hard ground, and it scared the vultures away. Tyler felt that the rock perfectly captured his emotions. He felt so angry, so hopeless. Who knows if he's actually going to find Aimen?

Jenna climbed up on the hilltop, and she sat next to her husband. Tyler looked beside him, and he quickly turned away from his wife. Jenna looked at Tyler with concern, and she felt the need to reach out and comfort him.

"It wasn't your fault," Jenna assured as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Indeed it was," Tyler replied.


"It was, Jenna! If I waited just a single second, then Aimen would have been here with us. She would not be all the way in the Towers of Silence being held captive by the Bishops,"

Tyler took one moment of silence, and he finally took one deep breath.

"What if we already lost her?" Tyler asked, "What if we go all the way to Dema, just to find her to be one of them."

"I don't know this girl who you're searching for," Jenna started, "But we both know that we can't just lose hope now. We are Banditøs, Tyler, and we don't give up on each other."

Jenna held Tyler's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Tyler looked into his wife's eye, and he noticed that her blue eyes still glimmered, even underneath the dark sky. The man leaned in forward, and his lips pressed against Jenna's. The two melted into each other, and they held onto one another tight. The two broke out of the kiss, and they hugged each other.

"Thank you, Jenna," Tyler whispered.

"You're welcome," Jenna replied.

"Hey, guys!" Josh yelled from afar. Tyler and Jenna looked behind them, and they noticed Josh and a tall, brown-haired girl in Banditø uniform standing near the campfire. The two of them were holding sticks with roasted marshmallows, while Rose and the other Banditøs were eating a s'mores. "Debby and I made some s'mores!"

"And they are hella good!" Rose called out.

"Come on," Jenna said, "Let's go have some dinner."

Both Tyler and Jenna stood up, and they both walked down the hill. As he was walking towards the crowd of Banditøs, Tyler felt less hopeless than before. He felt more confident, and less worried. He also felt quite elated that he got to eat marshmallows, since it's been a while. The Bantidøs sat around the campfire, eating marshmallows, and rested until the sun rose up again.

The next day, the Banditøs continued their long search. But this time, no one felt extremely tired or hungry. In fact, everyone felt awake and full. Everyone continued to walk and walk, until Dema was on the horizon. Tyler felt quite relieved that he was finally so close to Dema. He finally made it.

"There's Dema!" Josh declared.

"Yes, Josh, I can see that," Rose replied.

"Well, let's keep on going," Tyler added.

Tyler moves forward, and the Banditøs followed. Everyone walked and walked, until the grey city appeared to be closer and closer. The large group of rebels walked through the dark, empty tunnel that was underneath the city. The light of their torches filled up the room, and got rid of the greyness of the tunnel. Everyone went through the tunnel, and they finally entered the city. The city seemed more quiet as usual. However, this time, Tyler and the Banditøs were met up with some familiar faces. The nine Bishops stood right on front of the Banditøs, and along with them stood someone quite familiar. Someone who Tyler would be fearful and surprised to see.

A/N: hello guys! And I am not dead, in case if you were wondering where I was. I was studying and draining myself for my exams. Since, I didn't want to study for geometry, I have decided to bring this lovely chapter to you.

Eh, I don't have any questions to ask you besides what are your thoughts on this chapter? Comment it down below! I feel that braindead. Wow! Oh, and another question which has nothing to do with this book! Have you played that cool game imabandi.to?!? That came that Spodify and Twenty Øne Piløts made?!? I have played it, and I am still shook about it!! Like what?!?

If you liked it, give this chapter a vote and comment down your thoughts on this chapter. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'll see you later. Bye!!

The Trench Fic | Twenty Øne Piløts  ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt