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Tyler, Josh, Aimen, and Chestnut were walking through the Banditø camp, preparing to head to Dema and find the person who was trapped there. Aimen wondered of who the person was and how they got captured exactly. The three and one cat asked for resources, such as food, water, and a few weapons like daggers. Tyler handed Aimen a avocado green backpack with yellow stripes.

"Here you go," Tyler said, "It has all of the things you'll need."

"Thanks," Aimen replied.

Chestnut jumped into the backpack and purred and sat in it. Aimen chuckled as she saw her kitten get comfortable in the backpack. Tyler smiled and he turned to Josh and made sure that everyone got all of the supplies that they needed.

"Okay, so the plan is," Tyler started, "We head to Dema, sneak into the Towers of Silence, go into that weird prison that the Nine Bishops have, and free Rose."

"Wait, who's Rose?" Aimen asked.

"She's our friend who's trapped in Dema," Josh replied.

"As I was saying," Tyler continued, "Once when we free Rose, we run back to the camp. Does it sound like a plan?"

"Yup!" Josh agreed.

"Sure," Aimen added.

Tyler put on his backpack and he started walking towards the tall, green mountains. Josh and Aimen followed and they started to head all the way to Dema. During the walk, Aimen's legs started to feel quite numb and she felt really tired. However, she knew that she had to keep on going if it meant that she was going home.

"How much farther are we until Dema?" the girl groaned.

"Patience, Aimen," Josh replied, "We'll be there in time."

"I see the Towers," Tyler interjected, "We're close."

Aimen took a breath of relief. She didn't want to spend almost three hours walking all the way to a city where she didn't want to go to in the first place. Tyler and Josh were a couple yards away from the girl and Aimen tried her best to catch up with them. Chestnut looked around and he asked his owner of what was wrong.

"Meow?" Chestnut asked.

"I don't know, Chestnut, I just feel so unlike myself now," Aimen replied.


"I feel that I've gone completely nuts. What if everything that's happening right now is all fake?"


"Yeah right," Aimen scoffed, "Like anyone will believe me. 'Hello, my name is Aimen Kazmi. Let me tell you the story of how I ended up in Dema and went on an adventure with Twenty Øne Piløts! Not to mention the time when Ryan Ross turned me into a demoness and the time when Fall Out Boy almost drowned me in purple ocean water!' Sure, someone will think that I won't need to go to an asylum,"

Chestnut snuggled up in Aimen's neck, comforting her and telling her that things will be okay. Fifteen minutes later, Aimen was able to catch up to Tyler and Josh and they were gazing over a grey and emotionless city. Each building was grey and they didn't have any sort of color. All of the buildings were arranged in a way to form a circle and there were nine tall towers in the center of the circle. Grey vultures were flying over and they were feeding off of dead animals and they all looked at the emotionless people of the city vigorously. Aimen recognizes the city to be none-other than Dema.

A/N: Greetings everyone and welcome to another chapter of this wonderful book. Obviously, this book will focus on the story than really hectic shit. Mainly because I like telling stories and all of that. Plus, after listening to Trench my motivation for this book has boosted a whole lot. I've also watched a lot of The Pop Song Professor for some reason LOL. But don't worry, I don't think that things aren't going to become crazy and hectic.

Aimen, Tyler, Josh, and Chestnut (NEVER FORGET THE CAT) has finally made it to Dema to save their friend named Rose. Comment your thoughts on how things will go in Dema! I'm curious about your theories and predictions for what's going to happen.

If you liked this chapter, give it a vote and, like I said before, comment down your thoughts on this chapter. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys later. Bye!💛🌻

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