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"You finally came back," Nico smiled, "And I can see that you have brought your friends."

"Back off, Nico, he is with us," Josh spat, "And Tyler isn't coming back."

"Whatever you say, Banditø," said the Bishop through his teeth, "You are an insult to Dema, and you deserve to be punished."

"I don't see why you should punish others for feeling something," Aimen commented.

Nico glanced at Aimen. He gave her the look of confusion and also he looked quite intrigued. Aimen looked at him with all of the hate built up in her. She didn't know why she suddenly felt a little fired up. It was probably because she wanted to get home as soon as possible. She was getting mad because Nico and the Niners got in her way from getting home.

"It looks like that we haven't met," Nico said, "But it seems that I can feel your emotions. You feel some sort of confusion, yet rage."

"Leave her alone, Nico!" Tyler said.

"You are to surrender, Tyler," the Bishop said firmly, "Otherwise, there will be consequences."

"I don't have time for this. Come on, guys. Let's go,"

Tyler started to walk and his friends followed him. Before they reached the entrance of Dema, the Nine Bishops quickly circled around the Banditøs, blocking their way out. Aimen looked at the Bishops with rage and with a hint of annoyance. She didn't have time for dealing with hooded figures telling her what to do and what not to do. The poor girl just wanted to go home.

"You're not going anywhere, Tyler," Nico stated, "You are to join me, while your so-called friends get executed for their crimes."

"Define 'crimes'," Rose asked.

"You broke all of the laws and all of the regulations that we Bishops have passed," the Bishop clarified, "Plus, you are a stuck-up and annoying child."

"I am not!" Rose scoffed.

"Let us go," Josh demanded.

"Surrender or you have to face the consequences," Nico called out.

Tyler looked at his friends and he turned back to the Nine Bishops on front of him. Aimen could tell that Tyler didn't want to turn himself or any of his friends in.

"I won't give in, Nico," Tyler said firmly.

"Alright then," Nico sighed, "Get them."

The other eight Bishops started to charge towards the small group and they attempted to grab the Banditøs by their arms. One Bishop grabbed Aimen's arm, but she quickly threw a punch and she threw a small fireball at them. Gotta thank Ryan for these powers.

Josh and Rose teamed up and they both threw a few punches and kicked the Bishops together as Aimen used her leftover demon powers on them. Chestnut jumped out of Aimen's backpack and he started to pounce onto the cloaked figures, wanting to scratch their eyes out. Aimen chuckled at her cat, but she also tried to make sure that Chestnut didn't get hurt. Tyler and Nico were both fighting head to head. Tyler threw a couple of punches, Nico dodged them. Tyler continued to throw a couple more, until the Bishop was fast enough to grab him by the arm and then by the throat.

"Don't even try, Tyler," Nico said, "You know the Banditøs are a bad influence."

"Says you, the one who is grabbing my throat and lifting me up,"

Nico looked at Tyler with his angry white eyes and he threw Tyler on the ground. Luckily, the singer was able to catch himself before he fell on his head.

"Tyler!" Josh yelled.

"I'm fine, Josh," Tyler assured, "I'm fine."

Aimen and Rose, including Chestnut, were all trying to break up the group of Bishops coming at them. Aimen felt determined to get out of Dema and to go back home. She was so enraged that she practically threw fireballs almost everywhere at her opponents.

"You never told me you have powers!" Rose said in shock, "Were you born with them or were you cursed with them?"

"I was cursed with them," Aimen replied, "For the most outlandish reason."

"Who cursed you?"

"It's a long, long story,"

"I like long stories, though,"

"Not the time, Rose!" Josh intervened.

"We have to run, Josh!" Tyler yelled.

"Come on, guys, let's go!" Josh commanded.

Tyler, Josh, and Rose started to run and dodge the Bishops in order to leave the city. After fighting a couple of Bishops with her powers, Aimen looked at her three companions making a run for it. Chestnut hopped inside of the girl's backpack, and Aimen started to make a run for it. However, Aimen felt something. Something held her back. Nico grabbed Aimen by her backpack and prevented her from leaving the city.

"You're not going anywhere," Nico said, "Not with that skill set."

"Let me go," Aimen struggled.

"Not a chance, child," the Bishop said calmly, "You need to be disciplined."

"Meow!!" Chestnut groaned.

The Bishop dragged Aimen away, along with her cat, into the Towers of Silence. Aimen felt extra angry. She tried her best to get out by using her powers, but alas, she ran out of energy for her powers to even work. Even Chestnut was too exhausted to even claw his way out of the problem.

Tyler, Josh, and Rose ran and ran until they reached the outside border of Dema. Tyler panted as he made sure that everyone was safe and sound.

"Okay, we have got Rose and Josh and...wait, where's Aimen?" Tyler asked, "And where's Chestnut?"

"I saw that they were on their way here," Josh replied.

Tyler looked back at Dema and he didn't see any sort of sign of Aimen or Chestnut leaving the city. Tyler felt something at the pit of his stomach. It wasn't even a good feeling. He accidently left the poor girl and her cat behind. Tyler felt guilty, but he felt heavily worried for Aimen and Chestnut's safety.

"Don't tell me that we have to get back there," Rose groaned.

"Aimen is trapped in there, guys, we have to go back," Tyler said.

"But, Tyler, it's just the three of us," Josh stated, "What if something like this happens again once when we try to rescue Aimen?"

Tyler looked into Josh's brown eyes. Josh gave his friend the look of sorrow and sincerity. Tyler sometimes hated that look because that was the look when Josh told him the honest truth.

"We need to gather the Banditøs," Tyler said, "Head back to Dema, save Aimen and Chestnut, and head back to Trench."

"Sounds like a plan," Rose replied.

"What about you, Josh?"

"Let's do it," Josh nodded.

Tyler, Rose, and Josh started to walk their way back to Trench or the Banditø Camp. They had to act fast, otherwise, they may run back to Dema and find their lost friend turn into a totally different person. A broken and emotionless person.

A/N: Hey, guys, and here is another edition to this lovely book! Yeah, this book is quite slow with updates. Thanks a lot, school! But hey, this is better than nothing!

Nico and the Niners finally made their appearance and they took Aimen and Chestnut away after their crazy fight. I wonder what will happen with them. Comment down your predictions down below! Also, did you like that fight scene? Comment it down below!

If you liked it, give this chapter a vote and comment your overall and authentic thoughts down below! Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys later. Bye!!

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