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Everyone finally reached the Banditø camp, and they were all relieved that they finally got out of Dema all crystal clear. Aimen was relieved that she was finally free of all of the pain and torture back in Dema. It took her awhile to realize that her time in Dema was just pure torture. Nico wasn't her friend. He was just the others. If it weren't for Tyler or Josh or Chestnut, then Aimen would've completely lose herself to the Bishops. The girl was grateful that someone came in and saved her.

Aimen was sitting on the hilltop, staring at the wonderful night sky. The stars twinkled, and the wind blew very slowly. Aimen closed her eyes, and she opened them again to take in the breathtaking view. As she was sitting down, Chestnut sat beside her and he was cuddling up next to her side. The girl looked at him, and she chuckled. Aimen picked her cat up, places him on her lap, and she started to pet him.

"You tired?" Aimen asked.

"Meow," Chestnut replied.

"Well, once when we get home, you can get all of the sleep you want,"


"I don't know. Maybe Tyler will find a way to help us get home,"

Tyler eventually joined Aimen and Chestnut, and he sat next to her. The man looked down at his hands, and he looked at the lovely view of the night sky. He was finally relieved as he looked at the view. He felt passive, and quite peaceful. However, he felt a little nervous because he was sitting next to Aimen. He didn't know whether or not she was mad at him for leaving her behind or if she forgave him. Tyler hoped that Aimen forgave him and that she wasn't mad at him.

"Look, I'm sorry that I left you in Dema," Tyler apologized, "I don't know if you already forgave me, but I just want to tell you that I am sorry for allowing you to fall into that trap."

"Don't blame yourself, Tyler," Aimen replied, "The blame should be placed on Nico. He was the one who took me away and turned me into a monster. Even though I was a little mad that you left me, I forgive you."

Tyler looked at Aimen, and the two smiled at each other. Tyler felt much better, since Aimen wasn't mad at him. He also felt much better because he was ready to do the one thing that Aimen asked him to do. He was ready to take her home.

"Do you wanna go home?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah," Aimen replied, "I think I have grown really tired of this place, no offense."

"None taken,"

The two chuckled, and Tyler got up from the ground. Aimen stood up as well, and Chestnut quickly jumped into the girl's backpack. Tyler walked down the hill, and Aimen followed. The two went to the center of the camp, which was where the bonfire was at. All of the Banditøs were gathered around, and they were all clapping and singing along to the many campfire songs that came into their minds. Josh noticed that Tyler and Aimen came down the hill, so he decided to leave the crowd of Banditøs to meet up with them.

"Is she ready to go home?" Josh asked.

"Yes," Tyler replied.

"May I ask, how do I get home exactly?" Aimen asked.

"The portal, of course,"

Aimen was confused, but she just went with Tyler's answer. How were there portals in a camp? Tyler, Josh, and Aimen went to the large tent of the camp. The tent seemed quite normal. It had a bunch of crates in random corners, it had beds, and it even had a little bit of weapons as well. Aimen wondered about where the portal was exactly, since the tent didn't have anything that looked like a portal.

"Umm where is the portal?" Aimen asked.

Tyler nor Josh responded. Instead, they grabbed a couple of things from one of the crates. Tyler pulled out a yellow badge, and Josh grabbed a bag of yellow rose petals. Aimen's eyes widened as Tyler stepped closer. The singer handed the badge to Aimen, and the girl was at a loss for words. The badge was yellow and polished. It even had the new symbol for their band, and it had her name written on it.

"I want you to keep this," Tyler said, "Just a reminder that you are never alone and that they're more people like you."

Suddenly, Aimen hugged Tyler tight, and Tyler hugged back. She felt heartwarmed by all of his actions. The girl felt loved and less alone. Aimen didn't know what to say besides giving him a simple "thank you". Perhaps, she didn't have to say anything at all, and just hug him.

"Ready to go, Aimen?" Josh asked.

Aimen let go of Tyler, and she nodded. Josh nodded back, and he opened the bag of rose petals. The drummer put his hand in the bag, and he threw a bunch of petals. As the petals started to fall over Aimen, a bunch yellow light emitted and spread across the tent. Aimen looked around, and she could see that the light formed a large wall around her. Chestnut's head popped out of Aimen's backpack, and the cat looked back at Tyler and Josh and waved his fellow goodbyes at them. Aimen decided to say her fellow goodbyes to Tyler and Josh as well, and before she knew it, the girl and her cat were finally home.

Aimen found herself on the ground in her backyard, right next to her yellow record player, and her cat sitting on top of her. She also found that she was still wearing her Banditø uniform, and that the badge that Tyler gave her was still in her hand. The girl sat up straight, and Chestnut jumped out of joy. Aimen could tell that her cat was happy that he was finally home. Aimen looked around, and she noticed that it was still really early in the morning.

"Hmm looks like we have been gone for about two hours," Aimen said, "Which literally makes no sense. It felt like days since we have been gone."

"Meow," Chestnut replied.

"Come on now. Let's get inside before Mom or Dad wakes up,"

Aimen stood up straight, grabbed her new record player, and walked back into the house. Chestnut followed and jumped inside. Before she entered the door of her home, Aimen took a moment to look back at her backyard. She was quite surprised that the setting looked like as if nothing had happened. It looked like that nothing had collapsed into an earthquake or anything else crazy. The girl smiled at her backyard, and she went back inside her lovely home. If there was only one thing that Aimen could say about her crazy adventure was of how happy she was at that she had another adventure this time.

A/N: HELLO EVERYONE! And it's finally time. This book had officially ended. *kids booing* *the world screaming*. Yes, yes, I know that it is very sad, and that this book had ended. But let me tell you this: I don't think that this is the end of The Album Craziness Series. Like, you'll never know once when someone decides to drop an album without telling us fans, I'm just saying. I don't really have any ideas for future books in this series, but I don't plan on ending it either (unlike The Trinity Series *ugly cries*). All I just want to say is thank you for the love and support with this book. It really means a lot, and thank you for helping me finish this year really strong.

And here is my one question for you readers! What did you think about this book as a whole? Did you like that it was just Aimen as the main character or did you miss the series having just two main characters like in the past?! Comment it down below! Also what did you think about Chestnut?! Isn't he the best character in the history of this series?! Comment it down below!

If you liked it, give this chapter a vote and comment your thoughts down below! Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys later. Bye!!

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