7. Wall Crawler

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As soon as Ivy had walked up those stairs with that man, I was a nervous wreck. I'm not going to lie when I saw his hands on her, I got pissed. I know that we weren't together but, that doesn't stop me from being jealous. I nearly growled when he had grabbed her ass, Nat had to hold me back from going over and beating his ass into a shallow grave. 

She kept shooting me glances and I returned these with pissed out glares. I sipped at my beer as my foot tapped impatiently, waiting to hear anything from the blue eyed beauty. I noticed that Rhodes was nervous as well which, didn't help my nerves at all. 

Finally Steve ordered us to leave the building since we had received notice that the case was retrieved. I stood swiftly and threw a $10 on the bar, nodding at the bartender. I downed my beer, proceeding to the exit. Wanda smiled at me as she slide through the doors. I stepped out into the clean air and gulp in a large breath. For it being the middle of July, the night air was pretty crisp.

My breath nearly caught again when I noticed Rhodey pacing, talking into his ear piece. His crackling question filtered through into mine and my interest spiked. I stilled to a stop next to Sam and he nodded at me, paying attention as well. 

"Ives? Where are you?!" There was a few seconds of silence until we heard a few grunts and a quiet shriek of shock. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. 

"Um....... I may or may not be hanging off the side of the building."
I started to freak out a little in my head, imagining one of my friends hanging off the side of the mansion. I look up slightly to look at the impressively high brick walls. At least it has texture and grooves to grip. Plus she's strong, I shouldn't be scared. Blythe is pretty tiny as well though, I mean she can probably take care of herself. She's pretty badass and pretty. I looked at James but, he seemed perfectly calm. His face holds mild amusement and I envy his calmness.

"Okay Little miss Wall crawler, meet us by the west wing."

"Caw, caw!" I turned to Rhodey, mildly confused. Is she saying caw caw? Like I do? I mean what. I totally don't make bird noises... at all. I've never done that.. yeah.

"Did she just make bird noises?"

"Oh! No she said kk in German. Their k's sound like caw." He started to walk to the west wing, whistling. I looked at Steve, who shrugged. He paused slightly and then followed the man. I sighed and shook my head, jogging to catch up with the other two.  We stood by the south wall watching the sunset fade into darkness. All was quiet until I heard Rhodes start to mutter. 

"Frickin' wall crawler." I looked back at Rhodey, shaking his head. Steve tilted his head slightly in wonder and I decided to voice his concerns. 

"Why do you call her that?"

"When we were in Afghanistan, she had a tendency to cling to walls. Seriously, she would see a wall and just want to scale it. At points we'd have to hold her back sometimes. At that time, she was only 18 and I took her under my wing. So she gained the name of The Wall Crawler, on our infiltration team. At one point she climbed the Reichstag in Germany..... that was entertaining." He sighed, pinching his nose in annoyance.

"You guys are pretty close aren't you?" 

"Um, Yeah. I had to watch out for her when she was still younger and mildly stupid. Not that she isn't still idiotic some days. Like awhile ago, she decided to see if she could jump from one building to the other. Trust me, I almost had a hard attack."

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