16. No regrets

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"I'm sooooo bored!"

"Me too...."



"I'm bored."

"Me too..... Blytheeeee."


"I'm bored." Blythe opened her mouth to respond when Steve finally had enough and slammed his hand down on the table.

"Enough! Go play a game or something! I swear you guys are literally five." He set his head in his hands, mumbling about a headache.

Clint and Blythe were both at the tower and they were driving everyone crazy. Rhodes had left for an undercover operation so Blythe had been spending the last couple of days with him before he left. Now he was gone and she was bored.

"Fine! Come on Jonesy." Clint slid from his perch on a chair and threw Blythe over his shoulder and walked out of the room. Once they were out of earshot, he set her down and bounced his eyebrows. "I know what we are going to do today."

"Well please, feel free to share with the class." Blythe huffed out, running a hand through her hair.

"We are going to prank everyone in the tower." Both agents looked at each other a huge smile crossed both their faces.


Barely even half an hour later they were both standing in the middle of Target.



"Cream cheese, Eggs, and paint?"

"Check, check, and triple check."

"Hair dye?"

"Check in blue, green, and neon pink."


"Check times 12."

"Shrimp spray?"



"Definitely Check."

"And food dye?"

"Check, check, checkedy check!"

"Well, I think we finally have everything." Clint shoved the list in his pocket, and they headed towards the self-checkout. They had needed to go on a Target run to get everything that they needed for the chaos they were about to bring.

"Good. I'm ready to get started." With a huge grin she started to scan their items. They were both completely unaware of how domestic it seemed to go grocery shopping. After Clint had used Tony's card to pay, they hopped in his truck and headed back to the tower.

"Sooooo. Who shall we destroy first?"

" Let's go with Sam."

With a nod they both to work. A few hand washes and trips to the microwave later, they had a plate full of delicious warm 'homemade' bread just ready for the eating. Of course, they had real bread as well and that's what they were eating when Sam walked in.

"Hey. Where did you guys go? Steve said you left." Blythe gave Clint a small smirk as he bit into his bread.

"We were bored so we went to Target. We wanted to get snacks." She shrugged and took a bite herself. The two friends held their breath as they waited for Sam to take the bait.

"Cool. Did you guys make bread...?"

"Yeah. It was a kit and we figured, why not? You want a piece?" Clint spoke up, watching Sam eye the plate of carbs.

Patience [Clint Barton]Where stories live. Discover now