Chapter 1

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Biana's POV

I knocked on the door of my brothers room before I walked in, I finally found the key to his room after almost two days now. "Fitz are you okay?" I asked with caution, as my white satin heels clicked along the floor. My brother was lying on the floor, sleeping. "Oh Fitz, what did you do now?" I added as I grabbed my imparted and called Sophie. "Hey Sophie... what did my brother do this time? He's been crying on the floor for the past day, he's sleeping now..." I said quietly. "But something went wrong with you two didn't it?" I looked over at Fitz and picked him up with telekinesis then laid him down on his bed. "Can you come over?" Sophie asked while pulling out an eyelash. "On it." I yelled running down the big stair case and throwing my imparter in my purse that was by the door. My heels clicked with every step I took. As I stepped onto the platform I looked up at the shining crystals. "Havenfeild!" I yelled as the warm sensation of light filled me.

Sophie's POV

I heard the click of Biana's shoes as she walked up the stairs. "Tell me what happened!" She yelled as she plopped onto my soft bed.

After I told Biana what happened she looked at me with the most 'how stupid are you' face. "What?" I asked, "He likes Linh." I said like it was 1+2=3. "Sophie. You are so dumb." She said. "What?! No I'm not..." I yelled. "Sophie, Fitz likes you!" She stated. I wouldn't believe Biana because it was obvious he didn't. If he did he wouldn't have sat there and done nothing. Biana grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the leap master. "Everglen!" Biana yelled as she dragged me into the beam of light shooting out of the crystals. "No, no, no, no! Biana!" I whined, and before I knew it I was in front of Everglen and it's gigantic, intimidating front door.

Biana threw me- literally picked me up with telekinesis and threw me into a chair- into Fitz's room and turned around shut the door and said, "I'm not letting either of you out until you make up." through the door. I looked over at Fitz and frowned, he looked so... sad. I moved the chair next to the bed.

"Fitz." I transmitted. He shot up in his bed and I smiled sadly. "Sophie..." he said out loud. His hand reached to touch my face, his index finger tracing over tear stains. "I'm sorry," he looked down. "It's all my fault." I quickly grabbed his hand as he said this. "Don't be, its my fault for jumping to conclusions." I exclaimed, "I want to be friends again, cognates aren't supposed to fight." I added. I saw him smile and nod as he opened his arms and wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you, I'm sorry for not making up with you yesterday, over such a silly thing." He said. That hit me in the heart badly. He just called my feelings silly. Maybe it was unintentional but it hurt, a lot. "Your welcome." Is all I could muster with that pierce in my heart.

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